Review: TS Ivonne Huge Tits & pretty face

Hectorsilverman's Avatar
Date: 11/7/17
Provider: TS Ivonne of Arlington
Phone: 817-726-6239
Email Address: None
URL / Website: None
City: Arlington
State: Texas
Address: I-30 and Collins
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: CBJ, Breast Worship, LFK, and K-9
Session Length: HHR
Fee: $$
Hair Color and Length: Black
Age: 20’s?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: Beautiful face, huge tits, nice legs, and great back side
Recommendation: Yes
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
Nice review, thanks
misterundo's Avatar
She sounds delightful. If I ever make it all the way out to Arlington...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-14-2017, 10:52 PM
He sounds delightful. If I ever make it all the way out to Arlington... Originally Posted by misterundo
Fixed the first word for you, get your freak on men....
Hectorsilverman's Avatar
Thanks BLM, you mods always pick8ng up after us. We appreciate it
ahab11's Avatar
SHE is hot enough that if in a bar she bothered to even look your way yet alone allow you to kiss her you would have no idea she was packing a tool between her legs.
always thought Ivonne was a hottie; if she ever came to Dallas I would love to see her .. I don't get out to Arlington at all these days ..