Encounter: Iowa - CiCi

User ID: -
Date: 3/25
Name: CiCi
Phone: 7858562283
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Lawrence
State: Kansas
Address: North iowa street across from the bowling alley.
Activities: FBSM++
Hair Length and Color: Long black
Age: 30-40
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Short, fairly attractive, b cup
Recommendation: No
satan666's Avatar
so your recommendation is yes

so your recommendation is yes

Originally Posted by satan666
Nah it’s definitely a no. Big fat no. Steer clear. Terrible time.

I really dislike this whole "no is yes" mentality. Like if the goal is to throw off LEO, they already pay for access to read everything. It's disingenuous to everyone else.
Welcome to 2023, ladies, gentlemen, gentlewomen, girls,boys, boygirls, girlboys, ladyboys, unicorns, multicorns, nocorns and all the other 15,693 genders....
... where no = no, but also no = yes. And sometimes, yes = yes, but never yes = no. Maybe could mean yes OR no, or possibly even both at the same time, and also maybe COULD be actually maybe.
From reading this thread, I guess it's true that groups of girls synchronize their menstrual cycles.
I guess I was under the impression no but yes was to keep the masses that can't read the ros from blowing up the provider and making hard to get appts
satan666's Avatar
its the luck of the draw at amps anyhow so really doesn't matter!
Some of y’all are hilarious. Imagine being a grown man who is doing something like this hobby and caring whether a thread’s recommendation really means a yes or a no. Regardless of my recommendation, you should be reading the ROS and coming to you own conclusion of whether you should go to the amp or not. This is a real first world problem if I’ve ever seen one.
satan666's Avatar
Some of y’all are hilarious. Imagine being a grown man who is doing something like this hobby and caring whether a thread’s recommendation really means a yes or a no. Regardless of my recommendation, you should be reading the ROS and coming to you own conclusion of whether you should go to the amp or not. This is a real first world problem if I’ve ever seen one. Originally Posted by frostguy
what if guys who can't read ros go by your recommendation so yes it is a problem! not to mention no means yes is just ignorant!
Then write a review and get PA so you can read ros? You’re the one who sounds ignorant arguing about a recommendation on someone’s post. Lol when I was new to the hobby I figured it out real quick.. unless you lack common sense then it’s not a difficult thing to understand. I commend you for wanting to fight for the people who don’t contribute to the hobby with reviews though! Fight the good fight!