Illusion of Passion - How much is enough?

Wheretonow's Avatar
We all want some level of passion demonstrated by providers, but what's the minimum acceptable level? I, for instance, am not looking for a profession of undying love, but laying there like a cold fish isn't going to cut it with me either. Pretty much for me it's about at least giving the illusion (real or imagined) that she actually enjoys my company. No fake "Oh Baby you're the greatest lover I've ever had!", etc., etc., etc.

So fellow ECCIEers, what's the bottom line as far as IOP for you; and ladies, how good are you at making us think you're actually happy to see us?
Lana Warren's Avatar
Honey, if you knew me, you would know that I'm always happy to see you!
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I gave up on believing any of that a long time ago. I'm just happy if she says she'll see me again.
Guest091314's Avatar
I truly enjoy when I am in the company of a sweet gent and it shows!
For me, it's in the kissing. I love DFK and any provider that can do that with passion (faked or otherwise, as long as it seems real) is someone I want to spend time with.

If the kissing is good, all of the other activities are likely to be as well.

Conversely, if the kissing is just so-so I'm unlikely to repeat even if all of the other activities are outstanding.
I like a lot of passionate kissing and affectionate touching. Doesn't have to be DFK but do it like you mean it. When in missionary, look me in the eye and again kiss me passionately like you mean it. Make me at least think you are enjoying being with me and even like me. Want to "role play"? Act like you are a hot and horny GF that is really happy to finally see and make out with me again.
TomServo's Avatar
I'm happy with someone who does enough just to make me feel that she doesn't think I'm ugly / revolting / worthless. Hell i figure that's what I'm paying for, more than any actual f'ing!
I like a lot of passionate kissing and affectionate touching. Doesn't have to be DFK but do it like you mean it. When in missionary, look me in the eye and again kiss me passionately like you mean it. Make me at least think you are enjoying being with me and even like me. Want to "role play"? Act like you are a hot and horny GF that is really happy to finally see and make out with me again. Originally Posted by grnhrn

I don’t like fake acting/words either, as the OP has mentioned.
Just be YOU in a session.

The Provider doesn’t even have to say a single word.

Scenario: Watch this Video, you have everything in it.

He’s thinking of her.
He Meets her.
Her incall is very nice, romantic and smells great.
She puts on some nice soothing music and offers him a drink.
She kisses him and her Body Language Speaks for her.
As things get heated up, the world doesn’t even matter.
Nice and slow, sensuous, mind blowing encounter.
It’s just the 2 of you, locked in an embrace and nothing else matters.

Why is this so hard for some of ya’ll to do?

I told my ATF that I don't care if she laughs at me as long as it keeps her smiling. A smile is good.

The truth is my ATF doesn't work hard at providing an "Illusion of Passion" (IOP). She provides more of an IOAA - "Illusion of Appreciated Affection". Although intimate, our sessions are always relaxed and very cozy.
I have actually discussed this in other threads, but IOP as well as any other wording you want to use for it, is exactly what you are paying the donation rate that a provider requests. My definition is about the same as grnhrn, but added to that is no drama and no YMMV, sure, a provider may do the same BCD "activities" with other hobbyists, but if at the very least, the IOP is not there, then why do them? Providers that just "go through the motions" and it is obvious, really need to get out of the business of providing.


It is not hard for providers to show IOP, it is just an accepted "practice" that not all of them have to, and still get yes recommendation reviews. I do not know of one hobbyist out there who does not like the IOP at the very least, in their GFE session. If more guys would be honest and state their feelings on the subject, then the ladies would change or get out of the business.
berkleigh's Avatar
I will admit that i recently had a client tell me he loved when i performed as berkleigh...
Meaning, after knowing the "real me".... He missed "Berk"
I knew what he meant. ..
After a long affair and arrangement, he caught feelings and lost sight of what "this" really is....
His feelings caused me to act different and pull away.

I believe i am only good for multiple hour appts not a lifetime! Lol

I believe in putting on a good show, Im an entertainer, a husbands girlfriend, but nothing more than that.

Illusion of passion is good as long as you can handle it and don't get it twisted
sixxbach's Avatar

I believe i am only good for multiple hour appts not a lifetime! Lol

I believe in putting on a good show, Im an entertainer, a husbands girlfriend, but nothing more than that.
Originally Posted by berkleigh
One of the most honest posts I have ever seen written by a provider. Kudos.....

Wheretonow's Avatar
I arrived an an incall one time after just showering about 30 minutes before. The provider asked if I wanted to shower (hinting fairly strongly that she wanted me to), but I declined. She then proceeded to wipe down the important areas with some kind of alcohol-smelling stuff. I strangely found this kind of a turn-on. After we talked for a few minutes she really warmed up to me (in an IOP kind of way), and we went on to have a really great session. Afterwards she invited me back (fairly standard procedure I've found out) but I never saw her again.
  • Oppa
  • 07-29-2011, 12:35 PM
I agree with others that the kissing makes it. Unfortunately, the number of providers now compared to back when I started 10 years ago that provide DFK are fewer and farther between. It's disappointing.

When is the IOP too much? When a provider starts getting pissy about me seeing other providers. I don't get pissy when an ATF has other customers. Quid pro quo.
elgato111's Avatar
For me the passion of a session means she pays attention to me, loves to hug and touch all over, enjoys DFK with me for real, looks into my eyes like I am the only one in her life, at least for the next hour.

When a girl advertises GFE that should mean she loves to kiss, not just a quick peck on the cheek. I know that YMMV with anyone you see, but be honest about what you believe the definition is of GFE.