Front Bottom, I Apologize.

This is a thread I created to openly apologize to Front Bottom, who recently gave me a review. You didn't recommend me, and I took it a little hard. I wrote you a nasty and rude message, and I was very wrong for that. I should've just not said anything, but I was hurt and I thought this would surely affect my business, since it was my first "No". I blew this whole thing out of context, and although I already PM'd you to say sorry, I wanted to apologize to you again and to the members of ECCIE that may have caught me on a bad day or who I may have been rude to in the past as well. I really am going to watch how I talk to people.. I know I can still be witty and sarcastic when it's called for, without being a total bitch.

Sweet.treat, I for one wondered how you would handle that first big 'No' review. Glad to see you could offer an apology as big and bold as your other ahh... assets. Sweet indeed...
legman+ I didn't handle it well at all, but I snapped back to reality and realized how rude and mean I was. I know Front Bottom and I ended on pretty bad terms and I said some messed up stuff... but I'm over it. I guess I had to get that initial hurt and rejection out, but I shouldn't have gone about it the way I did. I wanted to smooth things (and my rep!) out. I'm usually not that kind of person!
lda523287's Avatar
That's very courageous of you Savannah, we know how good of a provider and person you really are. It takes courage to post a public apology. Very classy.
Thanks guys Hopefully he'll accept my apology for the way I acted and responded to the review. I would feel a lot better if we parted without any negativity between us
guest2820's Avatar
sweet.treat69, that's very sweet of you. You did good job in apology than compared many established providers here!
I think some one should post this apology thread link on that review.
Thanks guest2820 I appreciate you saying that It had me pretty down at first, but I'm sure this is just a minor rough patch and then it'll be back to business as usual
Front Bottom's Avatar
I accept your apology. Good luck to you.
Thanks. Same to you.
sweet treat69,

that is mighty big of you to apologize to him privately and apologize openly like that. Takes an adult to admit when they are wrong, I wish others had the "guts" to do what you did.

you cannot be all things to all people, and you do have "bad days", your first reaction to the "no" recommendation review was not cool, but you thought it out and recovered nicely.

Good job!
Thanks. Looking back on the message I initially wrote to him after the review, I looked and sounded like a raging lunatic, and very foolish... I wanted to make up for what I had said and maintain my good standing on this board.
OK, Appoligy made and accepted. Good job all