Taking a provider to sporting event/attraction

nucleartimes's Avatar
I am considering taking an ATF provider out to a sporting event or tourist attraction. I have seen her twice and when I see her a third time, I will broach the subject. I would like to hear both provider and hobbyists perspectives.

I was hoping 3 hours at event, then one hour BCD. Is it fair to say that, I should pay normal rate for all 4 hours total? I think she will enjoy herself and the tickets, concessions, and souveniers would be covered. I was thinking $300 ($100/hr at event) plus 1 hour BCD of normal rate.

Is that fair? Too low, too high? I was hoping she and I would have a good time, but if it is a bad idea, I will scrap it. I don't really think she is "working" per se and do feel she will enjoy herself so a reduced rate non-BCD sounds fair to me.
Been there and done that a few times.......My advice is to negotiate with the provider on what is fair as far as the donation goes, but unless you just want to be seen out in the "public light" with her, not that it is a bad thing, unless you are spotted by someone else who knows she is a provider, which is a bad thing, it is going to cost you more money than you think, (babysitter if she has kids, she will want something to eat, and not off the 99 cent value menu either, ect.). It is true she is not "working", but many providers will feel that they could be working when they are at the ball game with you, so it will probably be more than just $ you would have to give up, as time is money, and there is not a ball game, much less the time it takes to get there and get out of there that is just 1 hour.
Chevalier's Avatar
There are no absolutes, only millions of permutations. The most important factors are probably: (1) how she feels about you; (2) how she feels about the particular social event; and (3) other real life commitments. A couple of appointments is not necessarily much time for her to have become attached. She may not be that interested in the particular event; if she's doing it because you enjoy it, she's more likely to want to be paid, but if she's doing it because she enjoys it, she may do it OTC. (She may not enjoy it as much as you assume she would.) And if she has other commitments, e.g., taking care of her kids, it will likely take more $$$ to compensate her for her time.

Talk to her about it. That's the only way to know. But be prepared for it to cost more than you anticipate.
seventonine's Avatar
There are no absolutes, only millions of permutations. The most important factors are probably: (1) how she feels about you; (2) how she feels about the particular social event; and (3) other real life commitments. ....

Talk to her about it. That's the only way to know. But be prepared for it to cost more than you anticipate. Originally Posted by Chevalier
+1 Exactly what I was thinking. YMWV (will vary)
Be prepared to wave when you're on the jumbotron and if you're at a Rangers game, the Kiss Cam will find you.
That's something only you and her can come to agreement with. Every lady's expectations are as different as every man's. Just talk to her. Me personally, I don't charge to go to sporting events or dinner, etc. To me that is just dumb. But....many ladies on here will quickly disagree with me and pull in the "he's paying for my time" thing. But I'm an avid sports fan and a fat ass who likes to eat lol...so that's just me.

Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
$100/hour non-BCD is not crazy high or crazy low for most providers who I've seen list non-BCD rates. But, it's really whatever you and she agree upon. There are escorts who will be more than happy to go to some events with some clients totally off the clock, especially if it's in conjunction with a paid session. There are others who will charge their regular rate. Neither is right or wrong.
Frankly, with the competition in the Dallas area and your reasonable offer - it should be a cake walk IMO especially as you have seen her before.
Just ask her !! Good luck !
pmdelites's Avatar
what they all said!!! esp. megan hotlips.

my suggestion...
tell the woman that you are planning on attending the event.
ask if she is interested in attending and have some consulting time afterwards.

if she isnt, then stop there. no sense in bringing up all the other stuff if she's not interested.

if she is, let her know how long you might be there and how much consulting time you'd like to have with her. ask her what her consulting fees would be for all of that [i would let her mull it over and come up w/ a single fee. i would NOT suggest asking for her event fee and her bcd fee].

if her fee is acceptable to you, let her know.
if her fee is not acceptable to you, let her know that as well.

negotiating an extended consultation can be tricky - it either works well or blows up in your face. hope for a great rate but be prepared for sticker shock.

hope it works for you.
Gonzo76's Avatar

+1 Exactly what I was thinking. YMWV (will vary) Originally Posted by seventonine
+2, some girls would be fine with what you stated, others will say that you are paying for their time not services so it is a flat rate regardless of whether you are watching a game or BCD
I would like to say Nucleartimes, I think that is a very nice gesture taking your
ATF out and also being considerate to pay for her time. Initating communication
with her on compensation is the best way to go - giving her all the details on how
you would be covering the cost of the the tickets, concession, souvenirs, and
BCD time. I know most of us appreciate full details on what to expect on a date.
For me personally, I would absolutely love to spend hours with one person
whose company I enjoy rather than trying to make several appointments.
I have a strong feeling that most reputable providers are not out to break your
bank, but want to feel like their time is valuable also.
Kudos to you and have fun!
Hugs and Kisses,
Maria of DFW
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
I have done this once, with great results. We had a good time all the way around. Just visit over the particulars.

Your ticket location may factor into her decision and rate.

For example, court side Mavs seats may attract different response than outfield Rangers seats for a day game.
I've done it a couple of times with two of my ATFs. I laid out the plan and made an offer. They both accepted.
Just remember if you catch the foul ball...you will be on TV. Go Rangers
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Just remember if you catch the foul ball...you will be on TV. Go Rangers Originally Posted by daggajones
If I were a provider, I would charge double BCD rate to sit in the heat through a Rangers game right now. This heat is angry and nasty.