Poetry Corner

txlonghornfan811's Avatar
Well I am known in some circles for my erotic stories but one thing I have always struggled with is my poetry... I would love to see what yall think and have to share...

Ode to Makeup Sex

Walking up to his women he smiled with his pearly whites,
He looked her in the eyes and sighed with pure delight,

Taking her in his arms he held her close and tight,
He bent her head back and stared at that beautiful sight,

He kissed her deep and grabbed her ass,
They fell to the floor knocking over a glass,

Rolling on the floor they ripped and pulled,
Their clothes flew off as if they were in high school,

She got on top and gave a roar,
The cock was hers now that she'd won the war,

She slipped it in her sweet pussy lips,
They shook and shuddered as she lowered her hips,

He lifted her up and slapped her ass,
As she rode his rod like it would be her last,

They tossed and turned as he struggled for power,
He pinned her down and she prepared for a shower,

The cock was pulled out and was getting stroked hard,
She licked her lips as he dropped his guard,

The cum flew out pouring each and everywhere,
He even shot some up and into her hair,

They fell to sleep soon after that,
Dreaming of what was to come after their very next spat.

DFW Woman

A dick on a man is hot,
A dick on a dick is not,
A vaj with a brain is sexy,
A vaj on the wall be next please,

Pencils on tall men make you cry,
Brautwurst on short men make your body fly,
Hotdog Buns for lips make your cock quiver,
Roastbeef for lips make your body shiver,

Veins and muscle make a woman lustful,
Jiggles on arms make a womans schedule full,
Veins on legs make us wish for thigh highs,
Tan long legs make us all want to bring those ankles high,

Cum is what we urge to let loose,
Loose pus makes our cocks limp like a dead goose,
Who cares if our woman are straight or gay,
These women from Dallas Ft Worth are straight up sexay!

(First is an oldie of mine while the second is unfinished)
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Mallory Ray's Avatar
nice job...well done
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
First day of Philosophy 101 the Professor says, "Get some philosophy into your head first, then have an opinion. Better to be quiet in the meantime, unless it is to ask a question."

Get some poetry first.

I applaud that you are brave enough to post your poetry and then ask for feedback on it. But this is not likely a forum where you are going to get criticism upon which you might improve this craft.

I am not trained in any of the arts, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But what you've offered up could use more work.