Rodeo sex

Take your mate in the k9 position get a hold of her breasts,then tell her(these aren't as large as your sisters) hold on for 8 seconds
tia travels's Avatar
Shouldn't that be "HER" sister?
Maybe they are from Arkansas.
tia travels's Avatar
Did I read that wrong when I answered it ekim008 or did you change it to HERS? LOL I'm trying to determine if I was having a blonde moment or what.
Didn't change anything,hope you got a chuckle
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Maybe they are from Arkansas. Originally Posted by sooner70
Hey now....
JRLawrence's Avatar
Take your mate in the k9 position, get a hold of her breasts, then tell her: “these aren't as large as your sister’s”; hold on for 8 seconds!

What a difference a little punctuation makes.

Take your mate in the k9 position, get a hold of her breasts, then tell her: “these aren't as large as your sister’s”; hold on for 8 seconds!

What a difference a little punctuation makes.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
tia travels's Avatar
I was having a blonde moment.....sorry...the joke was still funny. YEEE HAWWW!
lmao.. NICE