1/6 isn’t and wasn’t a violent insurrection, and certainly wasn’t a threat to democracy

oilfieldace's Avatar
Border crisis checks all those boxes
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Did somebody read another thread and get triggered into firing off this one?


So no deal with you?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I think it had more to do with an asinine comment by someone.

See below for details. Note: Sarcasm alert.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Exactly. The thread title. Thanks for pointing that out sir. "Non-violent." Very much an asinine comment.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It was the asinine comment that probably triggered this thread.

Thousands of people flood into Washington DC. Buildings are attacked and set on fire. Police officers are attacked and hospitalized. The leaders of the country are evacuated. January 6th? Nope, try 2020, BLM, and Antifa. The press and the democrats called that a riot at worst or a "mostly peaceful" demonstration. Using democrat logic, January 6th was the same but less violent.

Newsweek says that 120,000 people were there that day. Estimates were 12,000 would show up. Like so many democrat estimates, they were wrong. Less than 1% entered the capital building and only on one side of the capital. What happened at the back is not what happened at the front. There is a photo of geo-tracking showing where cell phone users were, and the vast majority were OUTSIDE the front of the capital building.
... That's right, Barley... They BURNED the St. John's Church.
Attacked the White House... And MORE police were injured there
that evening than on 6th Jan. at the Capitol.

Yet, the liberal news media has somehow forgotten those facts.
And continues to call 6th Jan. a bad "insurrection"...

#### Salty
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The liberal media, democrats, and other associated idiots.

January 6 2021, right wing insurrection. It was and is violent. Ask anyone that had a medical bill for treatment afterwards.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
January 6 2021, right wing insurrection. It was and is violent. Ask anyone that had a medical bill for treatment afterwards. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

the FBI doesn't agree with you.

Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources



scant. as in next to None.

Jan 6th was nothing more than a demonstration/protest that became a riot.

clearly the left has convinced you of something even the FBI has said didn't happen.
oilfieldace's Avatar
January 6 2021, right wing insurrection. It was and is violent. Ask anyone that had a medical bill for treatment afterwards. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Nothing but left wing loons agree with him. It wasn’t much of nothing
eccieuser9500's Avatar
It was the asinine comment that probably triggered this thread.

Thousands of people flood into Washington DC. Buildings are attacked and set on fire. Police officers are attacked and hospitalized. The leaders of the country are evacuated. January 6th? Nope, try 2020, BLM, and Antifa. The press and the democrats called that a riot at worst or a "mostly peaceful" demonstration. Using democrat logic, January 6th was the same but less violent.

Newsweek says that 120,000 people were there that day. Estimates were 12,000 would show up. Like so many democrat estimates, they were wrong. Less than 1% entered the capital building and only on one side of the capital. What happened at the back is not what happened at the front. There is a photo of geo-tracking showing where cell phone users were, and the vast majority were OUTSIDE the front of the capital building. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Excuse me sir, but I think there were a couple of bombs found on or about the 6th of January in the District of Columbia.

We can agree to disagree about the rest. Unless you want someone to find that picture of the cell phone tracking.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Excuse me sir, but I think there were a couple of bombs found on or about the 6th of January in the District of Columbia.

We can agree to disagree about the rest. Unless you want someone to find that picture of the cell phone tracking. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

yeah about that. guess where they were found? one near a DNC office. the other was found near a RNC office space.


why would a insurrectionist plant a bomb near the offices of the party he apparently feels was cheated in the election? a misdirection ploy? might make sense for a operative to do that. like an FBI operative? or some "dumb Trumper" with no background presumably in such tactics just figured that was the thing to do?

let's just forget the possible operative thing shall we? with all this video why was no arrest ever made of this dude? with all the FBI's tools and resources they can't find out one thing about this guy? at this point it's clear no arrest will ever be made. why?

this article from Jan 2021 approximately one year later has plenty of details on the suspect. yet still no arrest.


Pipe bombs found near Capitol on January 6 were placed the night before, FBI says

the FBI used flight records and hotel records to "place" thousands of people in D.C. on Jan 6th then forced them to defend why. thousands did so. but doesn't this begin to sound like a Spanish Inquisition rather than lawful police work?

you tell me.
Excuse me sir, but I think there were a couple of bombs found on or about the 6th of January in the District of Columbia.

We can agree to disagree about the rest. Unless you want someone to find that picture of the cell phone tracking. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
... Too right, mate. ... I surely agree with you.

But WHERE are the FBI and DOJ investigation results
in their search for the illusive "pipe-bomber"
who almost KILLED Vice-President Kamala Harris??

As I mention before - The government can pin-point a
Granny there on 6th Jan. throwin' her ciggerette butt
on the ground over in Area 16-Grid B.... but cannot
seem to find the pipe-bomber.

All rather astonishing if ya ask me.

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... But WHERE are the FBI and DOJ investigation results
in their search for the illusive "pipe-bomber"... Originally Posted by Salty Again
Were the pipebombs on January 6th really just the backup plan afterall??

At the very tail end of the article postedin the above was this tweet from CTH:
The J6 pipe bombs were the insurance policy, in the event they couldn't get the crowd to comply with the FBI provocations. If no one stormed the Capitol, the finding of the pipe bombs would have been the emergency needed to stop the process.
Were the pipebombs on January 6th really just the backup plan afterall??

At the very tail end of the article postedin the above was this tweet from CTH: Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
.... That theory seems to be growing and growing, mate.
They don't arrest Ray Epps for his involvement at the
Capitol, and his lying to the people doing investigations.

And they reveal NOTHING - two years later - of the so-called
"pipe-bomber".... No "investigation" updates.

#### Salty