5 years of Biden ?

VitaMan's Avatar
No, 5 years of investigations.

"The committee’s investigation comes as the federal investigation into Hunter Biden continues into its fifth year."

House Republicans will receive access to President Biden's foreign banking documents.

Comer made the announcement during a televised appearance with Sean Hannity on Fox News.

Hey, isn't that where Tucker is too ?

The investigation is being led by Trump-appointed Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss.

Hey, would that have elements of a conspiracy ? Someone needs to look into that. How about Salty ?
... Don't mess yer knickers yet, mate.

Let's see WHAT financial papers the
Treasury Dept. hands-over to the House of Congress.

OR do you reckon it's all "Russian disinformation"?? ...

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
5 years already

I remember complaints about some other investigations
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
5 years? i thought it was 3.
VitaMan's Avatar
What is this about the $ 3 million dollar deposit into Biden's bank account...and then distributed to Biden family members ?

Interesting reading if nothing else.