The more Biden speaks ,, the dumber the morons that cast a vote

oilfieldace's Avatar
For that brain dead dickhead look. No wonder they keep him under a mushroom
Yesterday Biden told the story of when he was a Senior in high school, he saw two men kiss and then go their. His father explained that they were in love.

He’s lying. It never happened,
Biden always lies about personal stories. Nothing new there l
Precious_b's Avatar
Is that why so many repubs voted for him?

Stop the temper tantrum and concentrate on getting those cellulite thigh couch potatoes to the voting booth.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
what biden voters got ...

jimmy carter. shadow president.

For that brain dead dickhead look. No wonder they keep him under a mushroom Originally Posted by oilfieldace
No where near the dumbness of the cult of trumptards.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No where near the dumbness of the cult of trumptards. Originally Posted by royamcr

name Biden's top 10 accomplishments as president. we'll wait ...

No where near the dumbness of the cult of trumptards. Originally Posted by royamcr

Name 5 Biden policies that have actually worked or improved the country or economy.

I can't name a single one.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

On the other hand, what major accomplishments did Trump have in 4 years in office?

Meanwhile . . .

Poll: Biden's standing improves, while Trump slumps with Republican voters
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
.Razzle Dazzel them...
Schweizer: White House Doesn’t Know ‘Full Story’ on Biden Family Dealings, ‘Several’ More Shoes Will Drop

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer stated that the explanations for the Biden family’s business dealings in China have been constantly shifting since the story broke in 2018 and that the constant shifts in the story make it “pretty clear that the people spinning the news in the White House don’t know the full story.” Schweizer also said that he believes that there “are going to be several other shoes to drop on this.”

Schweizer said, “The story’s changed throughout. When we first broke this story in 2018, they denied that they were even doing business in China. Then they said, well, we were doing business in China but…we didn’t make any money. Then it shifted to, Joe Biden didn’t know about those deals. That’s been disproven. The fact that they keep shifting the stories, I think should be a major concern for people in the White House, because it’s pretty clear that the people spinning the news in the White House don’t know the full story. And I think there are going to be several other shoes to drop on this.”

On the other hand, what major accomplishments did Trump have in 4 years in office?

Meanwhile . . .

Poll: Biden's standing improves, while Trump slumps with Republican voters Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Fake news, not a single thing you printed is accurate
Fake news, not a single thing you printed is accurate Originally Posted by farmstud60
Not to mention the vast majority of his “accomplishments” have made America weaker and it’s citizens, (the ones that work) life’s miserable.
Precious_b's Avatar

On the other hand, what major accomplishments did Trump have in 4 years in office?

Meanwhile . . .

Poll: Biden's standing improves, while Trump slumps with Republican voters Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
OH! You had to do it, Speedy.

You know what those guys are like when you pull out numbers for polls/votes/viewers. That's the only thing they listen to UNTIL it is not in their favour. Than it is like the red headed step child.
OH! You had to do it, Speedy.

You know what those guys are like when you pull out numbers for polls/votes/viewers. That's the only thing they listen to UNTIL it is not in their favour. Than it is like the red headed step child. Originally Posted by Precious_b

There is not an accurate number in their. Just because you have a link doesn't make it true.

People that read the details of the " Inflation Reduction Act " knew it would do just the opposite, and the facts since prove it increased inflation.
Not to mention the vast majority of his “accomplishments” have made America weaker and it’s citizens, (the ones that work) life’s miserable. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Bullshit. Nearly everything up to recently has been fallout from orange clown's massive failure as a president.