Words matter in the "stolen election".

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The New York Times has now admitted that the Hunter Biden laptop is real and authentic. Something many of us knew in October of 2020. A poll was done last year (when some others realized that laptop was real) and it was found that as many as 1 in 6 Biden voters would have rethought their vote based on that information. Now, there has been a running narrative about the stolen election which is usually mischaracterized by the left as "massive, widespread election fraud". Most people have not claimed that but have blamed many other factors to be instruments of a "stolen election.

So, check off the list of what you think happened;
Massive voter fraud of millions of illegal votes across the country.
Targeted voter fraud in swing states that affected the outcome of the electoral college vote.
Criminally biased journalism amounting to malfeasance in hiding damning information about Joe Biden.
The control of information on the internet by forces on the left to advantage Biden.
Illegal changing of election laws outside the proscribed time period.
Illegal changing of election laws by persons without the authority to do so.
Illegal changing of election laws after the election has begun. (absentee voting, etc.)
Dirty (and possibly illegal) campaign tricks asserting something like the Russian collusion thing was real despite any supporting evidence.
Members of the government (Justice and State Departments) intentionally spreading false information through a willing media about Trump.
VitaMan's Avatar
Here are some interesting words:

News organizations report that the former Trump White House chief of staff registered to vote in 2020 using the address of a mobile home he has never lived in.

The small mobile home belongs to a Lowe’s retail manager, who bought it last summer from a widow living in Florida. The woman, whom the New Yorker did not identify by name, told the magazine that she had no idea Meadows had listed the home as his address in his voter registration form.

After the 2020 election, Meadows promoted Trump’s false claims that widespread voter fraud cost him the election that he lost to Democrat Joe Biden.
Here are some interesting words:

News organizations report that the former Trump White House chief of staff registered to vote in 2020 using the address of a mobile home he has never lived in.

The small mobile home belongs to a Lowe’s retail manager, who bought it last summer from a widow living in Florida. The woman, whom the New Yorker did not identify by name, told the magazine that she had no idea Meadows had listed the home as his address in his voter registration form.

After the 2020 election, Meadows promoted Trump’s false claims that widespread voter fraud cost him the election that he lost to Democrat Joe Biden. Originally Posted by VitaMan
So what, Now come up with a reliable source where these News Organizations obtained that information.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Great poll.

Is there suddenly proof that anything is rampant besides the wild imagination of the conspiracy doofi?

VitaMan's Avatar
So what, Now come up with a reliable source where these News Organizations obtained that information. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You mean a reliable source like the radical right wing FAKES ?

The Gateway Pundit

and dozens more
So what, Now come up with a reliable source where these News Organizations obtained that information. Originally Posted by Levianon17

I’m sure there’s no there there. Likely just a misunderstanding. The State police will take care of it.

Weird how all the allegations of election fraud come from republicans without any proof whatsoever and all the actual investigated and proven fraud are republicans.

Weird coincidence I guess. Or irony.
You mean a reliable source like the radical right wing FAKES ?

The Gateway Pundit

and dozens more Originally Posted by VitaMan
Is this something to be concerned about, or is it just a feeble attempt to down grade Donald Trump?

I’m sure there’s no there there. Likely just a misunderstanding. The State police will take care of it.

Weird how all the allegations of election fraud come from republicans without any proof whatsoever and all the actual investigated and proven fraud are republicans.

Weird coincidence I guess. Or irony. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You're not concerned about voter fraud. You're only concerned about the fact that it's a Republican as if Democrats wouldn't do such a thing, lol.
... The liberal lads are LIARS too - just like Biden and OBama
and the Clintons... They cheer for the same liars each time
they're caught.... They like the fact Joe Biden and the
shitty main stream media outright lied to the American
people about Hunter's laptop.

They all KNEW it was really his - and NOW when confronted
about it - they "don't give a f*uck" ---

What credibility do ANY of the liberal lads here have now?

#### Salty
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-18-2022, 08:05 AM
VitaMan's Avatar
Republicans and Trumpites keep coming up with nothing burgers.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Republicans and Trumpites keep coming up with nothing burgers. Originally Posted by VitaMan

And yet Biden's approval numbers keep dropping. Care to tell us why you think that is?

And as to the topic at hand, I'd say that the New York Times finally admitting 16 months after the New York Post and Fox News reported the story of Hunter's laptop, IS A PRETTY BIG BURGER!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Given the criteria of the polling questions, you cannot deny election fraud of some sort. Only the idiots are still using the line of "massive election fraud" as a cover for real fraud like was done by the New York Times, Big Tech, and the rogue governments of Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Wisconsin who violated their own constitutions to change the laws.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You mean a reliable source like the radical right wing FAKES ?

The Gateway Pundit

and dozens more Originally Posted by VitaMan
A real man attacks the information and not the source Vman. That's like attacking the squire and not the knight. Or attacking the civilians and not the military like Putin. You're a Putin wannabe.
VitaMan's Avatar
Really Barley ?

Check back on the false information you promoted about Bill Clinton being a convicted criminal felon. I attacked the information. No attacking the source (which was you).