Kennedy's advice for Biden

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Senator Kennedy's Advice for Biden Might Make Libs 'Hyperventilate on Your Yoga Mats'

Spencer Brown | @itsspencerbrown | Posted: Mar 15, 2022 3:30 PM

As only he can, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) reacted to President Biden's decision to halt the planned transfer of jets to Ukraine and the flaws in the White House's energy policy that have seen America become independent on foreign suppliers and unable to help western allies in Europe.

"I think that sometimes, not always, but sometimes — particularly in this instance — President Biden has a wishbone where his backbone ought to be," Kennedy said. "Poland offered to send the planes, which Ukraine desperately needs, to an American and NATO Air Force base in Germany where they would be transferred to Ukraine," he explained.

"President Biden said 'no, that makes me nervous.' Well, there are other ways we can do it," Kennedy reminded viewers. "We can have the Ukrainian pilots go directly to Poland and pick up the planes and fly them back. Poland can truck the planes to the Ukrainian-Polish border and have the Ukrainians drag them across. There are a number of ways we can do it, but it just seems to me that president Biden is saying I don't want President Zelensky to have the air cover that he needs," Kennedy reiterated. "And I think that that is a grave mistake — I know it makes the president nervous, but the Ukrainian people are dying."

Kennedy then explained that Ukraine and its western allies are "not going to win this war militarily or economically until we cut off president Putin's money," as "he gets half of his money from oil and gas." Even though the Biden administration implemented sanctions on Russia's elites and banned the import of Russian oil, "some countries buy oil and gas from [Putin] because they have to, and there's no where else — they think — for them to get oil and gas," Kennedy said. "Yes there is — it's called the United States of America."

"The president needs to stand up to the wokers in his own party and say 'Look, I know this is gonna make you hyperventilate on your yoga mats, but I am adopting an all of the above energy policy which includes wind and solar, but we're going to start producing oil and gas to help our friends in Europe,'" Kennedy said in a challenge to President Biden. "It will also have the effect of reducing the price of oil and gas," a domestic issues that's been another drag on President Biden's ability to lead.

"I went to fill up Becky- my spouse's- car this weekend and her car fainted," Kennedy remarked of record-high prices at the pump. "I mean the prices for God's sake are fueling inflation and they're caused by the President's own economic policies."
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I like Kennedy, but he’s wrong on this. Rifles and ammunition are one thing, American aircraft dropping bombs is quite another. We need to stay the hell out of it and let these countries sort it out on their own.
bambino's Avatar
I like Kennedy, but he’s wrong on this. Rifles and ammunition are one thing, American aircraft dropping bombs is quite another. We need to stay the hell out of it and let these countries sort it out on their own. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Actually, they are MIGs. Older generation jets. Only 29 of them. I’m sure Russian pilots with new MIGs would have an easy time with them.
winn dixie's Avatar
I have fuckin advice for bidens. Just roll over and fuckin die. Yes we'll have a WHORE as prez. Dont give a shit! It has to get worse before it gets better!
adav8s28's Avatar
It has to get worse before it gets better! Originally Posted by winn dixie
It was worse. Trump was president before Joe Biden.
matchingmole's Avatar
Senator Kennedy's Advice for Biden Might Make dense Trumptards
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I bed have these Qfuses think the op is referring the real dead John Kennedy and not some possum eating dipshit from Louisiaba.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-20-2022, 07:15 AM
Those fucking Poles were just trying to get rid of those ancient MIG's and have them replaced with our jets.

Send them more arms.

Unlike the Afgans...these mofo's are fighting for their country!