Is the war in the Ukraine Over..

Or do you feel it's the beginning of some more nasty events?

I am praying it is..
I saw a BBC report today that the Turkish Prime Minister, who is apparently involved as a mediator, indicated that the two sides were very close on the critical issues. We'll see.......

This has been an object lesson as to what happens when you invest one person with unchecked power, especially one with control over thousands of nukes. Hint...hint!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-20-2022, 07:01 PM
I think Putin was suprised the Biden was able to rally much of the civilized world against this invasion.

I hope it is over and not a diversion that Putin starts back up when he thinks this had been put on the back burner.
texassapper's Avatar
It's not over, but the conclusion is not in doubt. You can clearly see that the Country is going to be cut along the Dnieper river valley. The population density is largely to the East of the river.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I think Putin was suprised the Biden was able to rally much of the civilized world against this invasion.

I hope it is over and not a diversion that Putin starts back up when he thinks this had been put on the back burner. Originally Posted by WTF
Biden ???? your kidding right ????

history says no matter which side wins, its only over for now
Or do you feel it's the beginning of some more nasty events? Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA
No it's not over. You don't do this much damage to a country and then just walk away. Putin had his objectives and he's bent on fulfilling them.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Last I heard, Putin rejected Ukraine's last proposal, so no, it isn't over and won't be for a very long time is my prediction.

If those Russian made anti-aircraft batteries now in the hands of NATO countries like Turkey and Poland, show up in the next couple of days or weeks, if Ukraine can hold at that long, it would take this war to a whole different level. If Ukraine starts shooting those missiles and aircraft out of the sky, Putin will rain down holy hell on Ukraine and what we are seeing now will look like a skirmish.

Which begs the question, are we helping or hurting in prolonging a war with "probably" only one outcome? If the Russian powers that be, if they exist at all, can't stop Putin, nothing will.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-21-2022, 01:13 PM
Biden ???? your kidding right ????

history says no matter which side wins, its only over for now Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Kinda like Reagan's Cold War win?
texassapper's Avatar
Kinda like Reagan's Cold War win? Originally Posted by WTF
Did teh Soviet Union come back to life, groomer?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Kinda like Reagan's Cold War win? Originally Posted by WTF

would you rather we lost the cold war, comrade?
texassapper's Avatar
Nothing has upset the Commie Democrats more than the fact that Reagan crushed those fcuking Reds. But now a new generation is selling us down the river to the ChiComs... Some things never change.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Nothing has upset the Commie Democrats more than the fact that Reagan crushed those fcuking Reds. But now a new generation is selling us down the river to the ChiComs... Some things never change. Originally Posted by texassapper
they're not the new generation. they're the old guard.
adav8s28's Avatar
Don't think it's over. The Russian military has had more casualties than the Ukraine military. Russian tanks have surrendered because they got lost, ran out of gas or ran into an ambush because of poor intelligence.