Based on a lie...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Flighter has been steadfast in his devotion to Obamacare but let me draw an analogy for him. In 1964 two US Navy ships were attacked by patrols boats from North Vietnam. These attacks were fake. A sonar error which was discovered by the Johnson White House was used as a pretext to "go to war" with North Vietnam. The police action to protect South Vietnam was ramped up to a full scale war using the lie. Thousands died, billions were wasted fighting a different war that was really there. It took nearly 40 years for the lie to be made public.

Obamacare is based on a lie. Not saying that people don't have coverage but the situation is not the way it has been described by this White House. The numbers of the uninsured have fluctuated unnaturally, Illegals are being represented in the data though that is denied. Bribes were made to obtain Congressional support. Traps have been laid to entice the states to enter into the program. Half the Congress was excluded from the process (that means that half the country was excluded). Do you want to be part of a debacle that will be condemned in 30 years. In the unlikely chance that they make it work it may still exist but like Social Security it is a dead program walking. Why would you support the lies?
In 1964 two US Navy ships were attacked by patrols boats from North Vietnam. These attacks were fake. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Did someone hide those "two US Navy ships" and cover them up with pot plants?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What a moron. You've never heard of the Maddox and Turner Joy? I guess they don't teach history in Texas....or reading.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is this yet ANOTHER Benghazicare thread?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Did someone hide those "two US Navy ships" and cover them up with pot plants? Originally Posted by bigtex

bigtex...did you enlist or were you drafted?
bigtex...did you enlist or were you drafted? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-31-2014, 08:47 AM
Did someone hide those "two US Navy ships" and cover them up with pot plants? Originally Posted by bigtex
They hid them with yellow cake .... the yellow cake lie that the Bush administration spread to go to war and waste 4 trillion dollars and over 4 thousand troops lives is ok with JD.

I B Hankering's Avatar
They hid them with yellow cake .... the yellow cake lie that the Bush administration spread to go to war and waste 4 trillion dollars and over 4 thousand troops lives is ok with JD.

Originally Posted by WTF
"The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

"The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions."
TheDaliLama's Avatar
yes Originally Posted by bigtex

I thought most guys your age joined after Pearl Harbor.
I thought most guys your age joined after Pearl Harbor. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I hate to disappoint, but I was not alive for Pearl Harbor.

Is that the first time I have disappointed you?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I hate to disappoint, but I was not alive for Pearl Harbor.

Is that the first time I have disappointed you? Originally Posted by bigtex
You never disappoint me bt. You're a rock! were drafted huh?

Was that before "Don't ask, don't tell"?
What a moron. You've never heard of the Maddox and Turner Joy? I guess they don't teach history in Texas....or reading. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The analogy is absurd and inapplicable, just like every other fucking thing you post.

Regarding what they teach in Texas......that we have the highest rate of uninsured adults and children in the nation? Depending on which stats you look at, it runs between 28% up to a full 1/3. But, I guess that is all a lie, right Admiral?

The last part of the original post is what I find amusing coming from that the actual numbers of enrolled folks are starting to catch up to estimates, you're starting the see the inevitability of it, aren't you? It's here, it's the law and it's working. Get over it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess you missed the earlier post. Of the 5,6, or 7 (your choice) million who have enrolled 20% haven't paid (so no insurance for them) and 80% of those who enrolled already had insurance so the final result is less than 1 million people without health insurance signed up and PAID. What was the goal? Insure the 35 to 40 million Americans who don't have health insurance. At this point even an idiot should be able to spot the problem with the program and we haven't gotten into the discussion about immortals, the aged, or subsidies.
I guess you missed the earlier post. Of the 5,6, or 7 (your choice) million who have enrolled 20% haven't paid (so no insurance for them) and 80% of those who enrolled already had insurance so the final result is less than 1 million people without health insurance signed up and PAID. What was the goal? Insure the 35 to 40 million Americans who don't have health insurance. At this point even an idiot should be able to spot the problem with the program and we haven't gotten into the discussion about immortals, the aged, or subsidies. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why would ones with insurance enroll ? Did you enroll? I had insurance liked it kept it didn't sign up.
The analogy is absurd and inapplicable, just like every other fucking thing you post.

Regarding what they teach in Texas......that we have the highest rate of uninsured adults and children in the nation? Depending on which stats you look at, it runs between 28% up to a full 1/3. But, I guess that is all a lie, right Admiral?

The last part of the original post is what I find amusing coming from that the actual numbers of enrolled folks are starting to catch up to estimates, you're starting the see the inevitability of it, aren't you? It's here, it's the law and it's working. Get over it. Originally Posted by timpage
Let's get things in accurate perspective. If you define working the way that Amtrak and the Post Office define working, then yes ACA is working. A billion dollars and 3-1/2 years to cobble together an IT system that doesn't work to this day. Thousands of exemptions for labor unions, mini-meds, congressional staffers, and God knows who else. The delays are so egregious that Sibelius won't even make official announcements, choosing to slip them into e-mails and memos issued on Friday to cause least political damage. The Justice Department should have already gone after HHS for violating the "law" for abrogations to numerous to list. The litigation over illegal state subsidies will blow the whole thing sky high. Only the government would try to improve health care by messing with health care underwriting. Democrats knew that no sane populace would stomach outright socialized medicine. Hilary's foray into socialized medicine with Ira Magaziner's inept help put her career back 20 years. Romneycare is a financial wreck. So what did Harry and Joe do? They coopted the insurance industry. It will be a disaster of the first rank, like Medicare/Medicaid, but will likely be propped up by an endless river of printed cash. That's how the government and delusional progressive/socialists define working.