Conservative Angst on the ACA or...why JD is wetting his pants

Because the regular republicans and even the RWW are realizing that it is a train rolling downhill....and, after putting so much wasted energy and angst into stopping it or repealing it.....even the mono-brow types like JD are starting to slowly become aware that they backed the wrong horse.

Be glad you were wrong knuckleheads. The ACA is going to do a lot of good.

>>>Conservatives Discover That Obamacare Will Help A Lot Of People

Obamacare crossed the 7 million sign-ups milestone before the midnight deadline Monday, sparking angst and introspection among conservative policy wonks about the future of their quest to wipe the health care law off the books.

Central to their dilemma is the emerging discovery that many people will end up benefiting from Obamacare. Despite the health care law's problems, unanswered questions and unknown costs, it can hardly be denied that millions of American are slated to reap the benefits of its insurance subsidies, the Medicaid expansion and beefed-up consumer protections.

And conservatives note the dangers this poses for the GOP's promise of repeal. Staying the course means stripping coverage from as many as millions of newly insured, causing the sorts of disruptions and cancellations they've raised hell about since last fall. But abandoning the repeal mantra would constitute a monumental backtracking ahead of a promising mid-term election where Obamacare is a vulnerability for many Democrats.

"Even if the law remains broadly unpopular, Republicans will have have to deal with the fact that millions of Americans would have their coverage disrupted by repeal," wrote Philip Klein, a senior writer for the conservative Washington Examiner. "And everybody knows how well it worked out for Obama when, at the height of last fall’s backlash against plan cancellations, he tried to downplay the millions of people being affected as only a small percentage of the population."

Other conservatives warn of the impracticality of fully repealing Obamacare in the wake of the strong sign-up figures and -- crucially -- the seemingly sustainable (if not ideal) ratio of healthy to sick enrollees. It all but precludes the predictions that a "death spiral" of costly enrollees and rising premiums would collapse the law under its own weight.

Despite the caveats, "it's clear now that one scenario with a lot of purchase among conservative opponents of Obamacare -- that the law would 'implode,' 'collapse' or 'unravel' -- is highly unlikely," Ramesh Ponnuru, a senior editor for the conservative National Review, wrote Tuesday in a column for Bloomberg View.

Ponnuru gently chided Republicans for putting so much stock into their repeal push without coalescing around an alternative health care plan that protects peoples' coverage. "The likelihood of replacement would be higher if there was an alternative that didn't take away people's insurance -- one that promised to cover roughly as many people as Obamacare does, or even more," Ponnuru wrote. "Opponents of Obamacare should always have been thinking along these lines. Now they have less and less choice."

Republican leaders aren't fazed. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) referred to Obamacare as a "catastrophe" on Tuesday. Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) vowed that "House Republicans will continue to work to repeal this law." House Budget Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI) allowed that the sign-ups were a "pyrrhic victory" but said the law was still a "fiasco."

Luckily for them, Democratic lawmakers and candidates in conservative states remain spooked by Obamacare's unpopularity with their constituents, and are treading lightly on the positive sign-up news. But they're sticking by Obamacare -- albeit reluctantly, and under the banner of fixing its problems -- which means repeal isn't going anywhere fast.

If and when Republicans do get a bite at that apple, conservatives worry it'll be too late, lest they move the goal posts and decide that taking away peoples' coverage is acceptable. Senior Republicans are downplaying the 7 million sign-ups by continuing to highlight the disruptions and cancellations caused by Obamacare. But eventually they'll have to contend with the political dilemma -- and the ground shifting beneath them.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually, I don't believe that backing the Constitution and the American way of freedom is "backing the wrong horse". If you want to lie about someone, save it for yourself and don't try to put words in my mouth. You don't have the experience or brains.
Actually, I don't believe that backing the Constitution and the American way of freedom is "backing the wrong horse". If you want to lie about someone, save it for yourself and don't try to put words in my mouth. You don't have the experience or brains. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, in addition to being a climatologist capable of rendering conclusive opinions regarding climate change, you are a constitutional scholar who should clearly be serving on the SCOTUS. Maybe then you could change the SCOTUS opinion finding that the ACA is constitutional, eh? Roll out your constitutional interpretation credentials you half-wit. I'll wait.

Stay in the shallow end of the pool Admiral. You know you're out of arguments when you start talking about the Constitution and the "American way of freedom." Fucking dunce.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You compound a lie with more lies. The SCOTUS found Obamacare constitutional ONLY because the SCOTUS declared that a fine was a tax. They attempted to change the law themselves with that ruling.

Notice the liberal mindset here ladies and gentlemen. He attacks without any proof, advances no argument, and has nothing but ad hominem attacks as a weapon. He started his thread with a lie that he knew what I thought. Obviously he is off his meds.
You compound a lie with more lies. The SCOTUS found Obamacare constitutional ONLY because the SCOTUS declared that a fine was a tax. They attempted to change the law themselves with that ruling.

Notice the liberal mindset here ladies and gentlemen. He attacks without any proof, advances no argument, and has nothing but ad hominem attacks as a weapon. He started his thread with a lie that he knew what I thought. Obviously he is off his meds. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I quote: "SCOTUS found Obamacare constitutional"......straight from your post dunce boy.

As for no argument, anybody that uses the argument "I love the Constitution and I love America" as their primary fallback position once they've been shown to be a fool should be careful about casting stones.....

Try again Admiral.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Of course, you seem to be glossing over the cost of this program, versus the benefit. I guess we probably need to wait and see how many people ultimately benefit and if the costs are so high that if we consider the alternatives, the program is still a failure and could be vastly overhauled.
To impose single payer upon the American taxpayer by subterfuge, to create a vast new government bureaucracy, and to spend significantly more money to do it wouldn't be a success unless it also creates more value for everyone, not just shift the costs to the politically unfavored.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I quote: "SCOTUS found Obamacare constitutional" only after characterizing the fine as a tax......straight from your post dunce boy. (fixed your lie of omission)

As for no argument, anybody that uses the argument "I love the Constitution and I love America" as their primary fallback position once they've been shown to be a fool should be careful about casting stones.....

Try again Admiral. Originally Posted by timpage
Two lies in one post. For whatever reason, I NEVER use the word love except when being sarcastic. Did not use it here, did not use it there. Timmie is a liar.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-02-2014, 01:03 PM
Two lies in one post. For whatever reason, I NEVER use the word love except when being sarcastic. Did not use it here, did not use it there. Timmie is a liar. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

everyone knows you don't love this country or its constitution, its obvious

but thanks for clearing that up you communist idiot
Yssup Rider's Avatar
NEWS FLASH: JDIdiot calls someone other than Obama a liar.
Two lies in one post. For whatever reason, I NEVER use the word love except when being sarcastic. Did not use it here, did not use it there. Timmie is a liar. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are like a small child sometimes. I was paraphrasing. But, forgive me....I didn't realize that you were unable to use the word "love" unless it has the word "man" in front of it. Fuck you Admiral.