Sucker Punch

Captain Caveman's Avatar

Hopefully, I linked this trailer right. I am pumped up to see this movie.

I know that given it the subject matter on the first pass it looks like a lot of gibberish... (really, a school girl taking on a giant Gatling gun wielding samurai????) BUT, given Zach Snyder's previous works I am willing to give this movie a chance...

Anyone else willing to check it out?
I like Zach's work too, and there's nothing that gets your attention more than a cranked up "When the Levee Breaks", but looks like just another video game movie after all is said and done. Hope I'm wrong.
  • T-Can
  • 01-24-2011, 02:41 PM
I can't wait!! It will be worth the price just to see the graphics - it gave me goosebumps just like when I saw the trailer for 300 a few years ago!
I'm sure if you liked 300 and Watchmen, then I'm sure this one will not disappoint.
I saw this trailer a while ago and would love to see it!