
I'm just curious what people do when they aren't hobbying. If I'm not clocking 50-70 hours a week I'm usually watching anime, reading manga, drinking on my porch or scrolling online and social media for my next hook up.
TinMan's Avatar
Climbing Everest, splitting atoms in the bathtub, feeding the homeless, advising world leaders. You know, the small things one doesn’t get to do when earning a living and fucking hookers.
SchnellerFahrer's Avatar
Per my avatar, I'm a HUGE Car guy. I belong to a private racetrack, I'm an instructor there, so I'm on the track as much as possible in my Trackcar, or attending other car events in the metromess.

Otherwise, Cycling (former USCF Bicycle racer), Practicing Guitar, Tennis, Golf, Gun Range/shooting, eating out, otherwise having a good time as much as I can. I attend a lot of Tribute Band Concerts, partially because I love music, partially to pick up tips from the guitarists.

I'm semi retired (can't decide if I want to go back to Stress work any longer), so have a lot of free time (for now).
Dancing. I take dance classes and visit night clubs with my friends so I can dance the night away. I'm at Station 4 night club on most Sunday nights and I end up dancing with several single ladies over there. I'm primarily into modern hip-hop dance but I also enjoy salsa, classic dance, and country line dancing as well. I just love dancing.
Per my avatar, I'm a HUGE Car guy. I belong to a private racetrack, I'm an instructor there, so I'm on the track as much as possible in my Trackcar, or attending other car events in the metromess.

Otherwise, Cycling (former USCF Bicycle racer), Practicing Guitar, Tennis, Golf, Gun Range/shooting, eating out, otherwise having a good time as much as I can.

I'm semi retired (can't decide if I want to go back to Stress work any longer), so have a lot of free time (for now). Originally Posted by SchnellerFahrer
That sounds impressive. You live a very interesting life, amigo. I'm also a car guy, in my own way. Unlike most car guys, I'm not interested in cars with lots of horsepower or turbocharged engines or even luxury cars.

I'm fascinated with small cars, especially small economy cars. Did you know that, after you adjust for inflation and factor in the cost of additional modern safety features and technological features, modern day small economy cars are actually cheaper than small economy cars of the past like the Geo Metro and Ford Festiva? I'm referring to cars like the Nissan Versa, Mitsubishi Mirage, Chevy Spark etc. That just boggles my mind.

I watch a lot of car review videos online like Redline Reviews, Doug DeMuro, Alex on Autos, CarGurus, Kelley Blue Book etc. Although my daily driver is a bigger more practical car, I just love driving small basic cars. The driving experience is so much more fun with a tiny car. That's why I rent small cars. Always more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow.
SchnellerFahrer's Avatar
That sounds impressive. You live a very interesting life, amigo. ...….That's why I rent small cars. Always more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow. Originally Posted by VeryClean
Thanks man! I'm a very blessed man, I have a GREAT life. I've learned that irregardless of all our situations in life - you have to enjoy yourself, be happy within yourself, and find enjoyment and fun in others.

I know what you're saying on the small cars. My previous TrackCar was a Mini Cooper S (modified), and it was a blast. Loved the size, was really tossable, fun, and everybody loved that car.

Someone told me (when following me at the track) I was on a 3 wheel drift all the way around the backside of a racetrack! LOL!! What fun!! I wish I had a picture of that!
I have time and the income to go do things, but I have physical limitations that keep me from golfing and sporting things so I'm looking for a new hobby to fill my time. Career trajectory is solid, job secured, taking care of family is a check, putting money away is a B- because I enjoy partying and hobbying but the amount of money and time i spend doing the latter two makes me think that i could be more efficient with the resources of my time and money.
I have time and the income to go do things, but I have physical limitations that keep me from golfing and sporting things so I'm looking for a new hobby to fill my time. Career trajectory is solid, job secured, taking care of family is a check, putting money away is a B- because I enjoy partying and hobbying but the amount of money and time i spend doing the latter two makes me think that i could be more efficient with the resources of my time and money. Originally Posted by thewoodthatcould
Have you considered reading and watching movies more often?

I don't mean reading dry boring books. You're not trying to impress anyone here. I mean reading fun books like Agatha Christie murder mystery novels, John Grisham thriller novels, Danielle Steele romance novels, Robert Ludlum thriller espionage novels, Roald Dahl novels, and so on and so forth. You can rent them for free from your local public library or buy them for cheap from a book shop or online. I love to read and spend many hours reading every week.

Or you can watch movies more often. There are dollar cinema theaters and the ability to rent movies online for cheap so they won't cost much money. You can also go to a dine in theater once or twice a week and enjoy eating a tasty meal and drinking some refreshing beverages while watching the latest movies.

Just some options for you to consider.
Thanks man! I'm a very blessed man, I have a GREAT life. I've learned that irregardless of all our situations in life - you have to enjoy yourself, be happy within yourself, and find enjoyment and fun in others.

I know what you're saying on the small cars. My previous TrackCar was a Mini Cooper S (modified), and it was a blast. Loved the size, was really tossable, fun, and everybody loved that car.

Someone told me (when following me at the track) I was on a 3 wheel drift all the way around the backside of a racetrack! LOL!! What fun!! I wish I had a picture of that! Originally Posted by SchnellerFahrer
That sounds incredible. What an adrenaline rush! Can you go above the legal speed limit in the track? I would imagine you could but just want to be sure. That would be wicked awesome!
So I have a hard time reading fiction that doesnt have pictures. I do spend some of my spare time learning about new things. My biggest issue is being preoccupied with trying to find my next conquest so I know as someone hitting their 40s I should probably make better use of my free time.
If I hear about something good to stream I'll binge that in a day or 2 but other than that my life is pretty boring outside of the hobby and I know that isn't healthy.
OP, don't take yourself or your life so seriously. At least you're good to go in the major important aspects of life. You have a job where you're doing well, you're providing nicely for yourself & your family, and you're presumably taking care of your health. Those are the important things in life, everything else is in the sidelines and won't even be remembered by others after you've left this world.

Also, I'm glad you gave yourself a B- for putting money away for retirement and not an F! So you're not doing too bad and you still have time to build a fat retirement nest egg. Some people don't start saving for retirement till they're in their fifties! You're already way ahead of the game compared to them. So stop worrying about that.

Do what makes you happy. If you just want to relax and do nothing when you're not working, go for it. Don't worry about what others think about your life. They're not the ones paying your bills, now are they? If you just want to focus on your "next conquest" when you're not working, go for it.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
I like to travel and sometimes hobby during travel.
So, (for Chung) I enjoy (for humor) reading the political forum for ignorant racist redneck twit head supporters opinions. (No my iPad has no commas)

In my spare time, I just work n play all I can and only read nonfiction books because the world was and is an awesome place because twit head hasn't destroyed the Obama economy....that twit had takes credit for btw.
SchnellerFahrer's Avatar
That sounds incredible. What an adrenaline rush! Can you go above the legal speed limit in the track? I would imagine you could but just want to be sure. That would be wicked awesome! Originally Posted by VeryClean
Yes it is, for sure!! Absolutely you're going above the speed limit, depending on the capabilities of your car, the layout of the racetrack, and of course - your skill and willingness to pursue the limits.

Video of a previous track record (not me, LOL)

On a previous thread, there were safety concerns about this. Of course - driving at high speed/pushing the limits of your car is terribly dangerous on city streets and back roads, and is something I don't enjoy putting myself and others at risk.

Whereas - a Racetrack allows a controlled environment, where we place individuals in classes (Novice/Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Solo Advanced, Race) with an instructor like myself, who monitors, and strictly controls the environment, and provides coaching and mentoring to help you be safer and faster.

It's not for everybody, but I love speed and adrenaline sports (I was a skydiver earlier in my life, until some close calls), and I lived in Europe for 3 years, and grew to love the Autobahns, and much safer driving experience over there. I've owned sports cars and enthusiastic driving ever since.'s a LOT of fun, and any other motoring enthusiasts should try it at some time. Anybody interested, message me and I'll forward the links to the local tracks, and organizers of these types of events.

And - ride-alongs in the passenger seat are FREE OF CHARGE for anyone who wants to check it out. I've done these many times, nearly everybody comes back laughing and giggling and having a great time. (a few throw up before you can stop the car, ugh!)