Has the tower turned into a bawdy house

All of those Asian ads and other gals ploying their trade under protection? That local tower must be vibrating even without a shift in the plate tectonics!!!!!
Yeah I was almost going to pull the trigger on visiting there. I just hate walking through that lobby. They know why you’re there. Sometimes they even ask. Yikes

But in fairness the sex trade is keeping those guys in business all across the country.
What do u mean they ask? They ask which girl your seeing? And, how are the Asians at the towers? Have been itching for an Asian lately. And recommendations??
What is the tower?
Casual- check ur dm's
Casual- check ur dm's Originally Posted by Tomb8871
Can you tell me too, I've never been able to figure that one out.

Hobby1750's Avatar
Riddle to your question: He played 12 years for the horned ruminants and flipped a table at Rome.

The answer shall lead you to the mythical and mystical Tower of Vag!