New poll numbers for Biden

HedonistForever's Avatar
Published April 13, 2022 5:47pm EDT
Biden approval rating tumbles to lowest point of his presidency: poll

Just 33% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance compared to 54% who disapprove

Better than Trump? Uh, NOT!

President Biden's approval rating has reached the lowest level of his presidency, with a new poll showing only a third of Americans approve of his job performance.
Just 33% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance compared to 54% who disapprove, according to the results of a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday. That mark ties the lowest approval Biden has received in the poll during his precedency, matching the number set in January when the president faced a 33-53 approval deficit.
Broken down by party affiliation, 76% of Democrats indicated they approve of the president compared to 12% who disapprove. Republicans are overwhelmingly negative about Biden's performance, with 94% indicating they do not approve of the president's job performance compared to 3% who approve. Independents also indicated disapproval of Biden's performance, with 56% saying they disapprove compared to 26% who like how Biden is doing.
Biden and Democrats can not win with 26% of Independents approving

Americans have also graded Biden's handling of the war in Ukraine poorly, with only 39% saying they approve of how the president has handled the crisis. A majority of Americans believe the U.S. should be doing more to stop the killing in Ukraine, with 52% saying the administration should increase its effort to assist Ukraine in its fight against Russia.
Hispanics 26% approve, 54% disapprove. I guess 20% didn't understand the question.

Ages 18 t0 34- 21%

Roughly two-thirds of Black Protestants (65%) approve of the job that Biden is doing as president, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted Jan. 10-17. That is down sharply from 92% in March 2021, shortly after he took office.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
One of many many polls.

Yet you're all hot and hard about this one. LOLLING!

Look at the overall. It's not as bad as you boyz want it to be. Comerade Putin will be disappointed in you.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
One of many many polls.

Yet you're all hot and hard about this one. LOLLING!

Look at the overall. It's not as bad as you boyz want it to be. Comerade Putin will be disappointed in you. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

it's still horrible and admit here you never thought Biden would be such a fuck up and his numbers tanking like the Titanic when you voted for him 69 times.

... Blimey! ... more whataboutism ... How nice.

One of MANY polls that SHOW THE SAME THING!

### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
... Blimey! ... more whataboutism ... How nice.

One of MANY polls that SHOW THE SAME THING!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

You beat me to the punch but I knew somebody would make a poll complaint. Funny thing is, since I have YR on ignore and would never have seen the remark I was anticipating until TWK quoted him.

I even picked two sites that are rated from center to center Left. The right leaning "news sources" pretty much agree with the numbers but if I used any of them, all I would get would be "kill the messenger" response.

... Yssup knows... WTF knows... Vita knows... and so do the sad lot
of pretenders who scurry-about here - all in a sad attempt to
defend Joe Biden.

... Biden has been HORRIBLE - and is crushing the country.
Trying like Jack-the-lad to create the United States of THE WORLD.

"Elections have Consequences!" - and people are surely seeing the sad result.

### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... Yssup knows... WTF knows... Vita knows... and so do the sad lot
of pretenders who scurry-about here - all in a sad attempt to
defend Joe Biden.

... Biden has been HORRIBLE - and is crushing the country.
Trying like Jack-the-lad to create the United States of THE THIRD WORLD.

"Elections have Consequences!" - and people are surely seeing the sad result.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

The 33% number is horse shit, which is to be expected from malinformed trumptards. There are around 30 polls and some nutsack takes the lowest one and says that's the rating. When you average out all the polls and adjust for bias, who is polled and frequency the average hover's around 40-42%.

Then you have to take into account the vote dem/repubtard is split about 50/50 so you'd never see any poll higher than around 50%. So the scale is 0 - 50% not 0-100%. Trump's average was way lower than biden's has ever been.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The 33% number is horse shit, which is to be expected from malinformed trumptards. There are around 30 polls and some nutsack takes the lowest one and says that's the rating. When you average out all the polls and adjust for bias, who is polled and frequency the average hover's around 40-42%.

Then you have to take into account the vote dem/repubtard is split about 50/50 so you'd never see any poll higher than around 50%. So the scale is 0 - 50% not 0-100%. Trump's average was way lower than biden's has ever been. Originally Posted by royamcr

was it horse shit when polls said that was Trump's numbers? (they weren't that low)

butt .. you believed they were. so do you believe Biden's numbers? (they are averaged out best as they can to make him not look so bad)

Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Blimey! ... more whataboutism ... How nice.

One of MANY polls that SHOW THE SAME THING!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Let’s see ‘em, bubba.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The 33% number is horse shit, which is to be expected from malinformed trumptards. There are around 30 polls and some nutsack takes the lowest one and says that's the rating. When you average out all the polls and adjust for bias, who is polled and frequency the average hover's around 40-42%.

Then you have to take into account the vote dem/repubtard is split about 50/50 so you'd never see any poll higher than around 50%. So the scale is 0 - 50% not 0-100%. Trump's average was way lower than biden's has ever been. Originally Posted by royamcr
Yep. But the low handing fruit is always most accessible by the long hanging fruits.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
was it horse shit when polls said that was Trump's numbers? (they weren't that low)

butt .. you believed they were. so do you believe Biden's numbers? (they are averaged out best as they can to make him not look so bad)

bahahahahahaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes they were. And some of you fools still think he won, with low numbers like that.

Fuzzy math?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Putin wants Ol' Cabbage Head at the helm here. Makes for easy pick'ns. A-N-D old, white, senile, corrupt and decrepit F Joe Biden is gonna keep helping him do just that by blaming Putin for everything, including stopped up toilets and sunburn and the price of tea in Chyyna.

F Joe Biden says that the 40 year historic, yet totally, albeit yuuuge, inflation is both transitory and all Putin's fault - in spite of charts that completely decimate all of the above.

The PPI says:

CummHola explains it thusly:

“I acknowledge one must acknowledge that prices are going up, and that people are working hard and, in many cases, are worried about whether they can get through the end of the month and make it all work,”

“What I can say is that people deserve to know that their president, that our administration, is concerned enough to do something about it, so that is what we are doing,”
The CPI says:

I say: This is extremely dangerous

It is called programming for a reason!
Because that is exactly what it is!

That is how and why they all sing from the same hymnal.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes they were. And some of you fools still think he won, with low numbers like that.

Fuzzy math? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

it's Putin's fault Biden's numbers stink, right?

was this approval rating before or after the bird crapped on him?

the reason its so unexpectantly high might just be a sympathy vote after the bird doo