The only ones who are screwed are the insurance companies who have been giving it to us in the ass for the past 30 without the benefit of lube.
If anyone wants to know about the econmics of this legislation you need to turn off Faux News (Fox) and actually take an economics class.
Remember these are the same, obtuse people who sold you a war of choice and would like to impose their religious belifs on you and put you in jail for hobbying.
For those of you who hide your insensitivity to the poor and underserved behind the cloak of 'libertarianism' wake up to your naivete' and quit being subservient to the same corporations who served you up the financial disaster we find ourselves in right now. It's time the U.S. entered the 21st century by proceeding with the principal that decent health care is a right and not a privledge of the elite few.
Originally Posted by rjdiner
Whoa, RJ...
Let me start by saying...the poor have insurance. Its called Medicaid.
Another thing...blaming the "evil" insurance companies is just silly. I know that we all hear about the billions of dollars of profit that the evil insurance companies make (denying coverage do the innocent and defenseless poor women and children with cancer and what not). Now, Im a reasonable person who has been upset about stories of people who followed the rules and were denied coverage. The truth is, that is the exception, not the rule. And when did making a profit become so wrong? If you do some research, you will find that the largest health insurance companies in the U.S. only made 5-7% profit. I would hardly call that excessive. Microsoft made something like 16-17% profit on sales. Should Government take over computer software? UPS made 3 billion in profit while Fed Ex made over 1 billion in profit. Does anyone know how our Government run company did? THEY RAN A 7 BILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT.
The proof is in the pudding. If you want to see what govenment will do with our healthcare, all you have to do is see what they've done with everything else they touch. Not all change is good.
I've got nothing but love for those who support THIS reform. The facts just dont support the hype, thats all.