Nice new trend in Reviews

Just wanted to say that I, for one, like the new trend of showing pics in the Review Section, especially the pics taken during the session (and videos, too). How do you guys get the girls to agree? Is there extra $ involved? I think it's great for their business (it has sure piqued my interest in some girls!). Thoughts?
Well, I, for one, am not a big fan of being reviewed. And there is no way I would agree to be photographed or recorded no matter for how much extra $. But that's just me.
It's a personal choice and preference of a doesn't arm twist and bribe her, nor is there a magic trick. For ladies that do allow pics, it's no different than a lady offering Greek, she may charge for it or not. Interesting topic!
pyramider's Avatar
What pics?
Samantha, I appreciate and respect your opinion. Eva, thanks for the input...and I really think I need to see you when you're in East Texas! Pyramider, they are showing pics of taint over in the reviews! Taint...wall to wall taint!
TinMan's Avatar
I'd be even more appreciative if guys would start listing incall location in the title of the review. It would save a lot of page clicks for those of us reading reviews from our tablets or smart phones.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-04-2014, 12:20 PM
If the girls don't mind the exposure I say go for it. Those of us that value our privacy more than the paycheck will keep a lower profile.

I think some of the young ones don't realize just how hard it is to remove stuff from the internet once it us out there.
I'd be even more appreciative if guys would start listing incall location in the title of the review. It would save a lot of page clicks for those of us reading reviews from our tablets or smart phones. Originally Posted by TinMan
That, and the Provider's name. But...Hamas and Israel will have a dance party before that happens.
I'd be even more appreciative if guys would start listing incall location in the title of the review. It would save a lot of page clicks for those of us reading reviews from our tablets or smart phones. Originally Posted by TinMan
Didn't the chubby volatile ho start a whole forum for lost hookers so they could be found? Now our brothers in commercial copulation can't even put the location in a review? I mean wanting location in the title is pushing the whiner envelope, but on the front end would be nice. Address not mandatory. But the major cross street stuff, that's still important.

C'mon, TM, getting ALL the good info without opening the review is like wanting the magic decoder ring out of a box of Cracker Jacks without your teeth hurting or your fingers getting sticky just a little bit.

Speaking of sticky fingers......
FunInDFW's Avatar
Not a fan of pics/video in the review. I haven't gotten information thanks to them that couldn't have been conveyed via text. I actually might find it a deterrent in seeing some with it creating doubt with their security and mine. Probably a stretch for some/most; but just a something that could cross my mind with regards to the topic.
It is a gray area in that you have some providers who flat out will not let you take even a clothed pic of them, then you have some providers who will only enable certain individuals, not all, to take pics, even if they are first time clients, sometimes partial nude or even full nude and even action shots. Very few will let you do video and only one provider that I know of who will let you do a full session video.

It is the wave of the here and now to be able to take pics, not only for your personal stash, but also giving the review a more real sense and of course, the nay sayers who think the review is made up, do not have a leg to stand on.

Many of my sessions, I have taken pics and usually it is before the session and OTC. I sure wish I knew the magical phrase or deed that needs to be done so that I can take pics in every session with a provider who allows it so that one of those certain individuals would be me all the time when I inquire.
Thanks David. I wouldn't take pics myself (I have an SO and she could fond them), but I like the reviews that have them.
TinMan's Avatar
I don't want all the info in the title, phildo, just enough to determine if I need to look further. Name and location is sufficient. Leave out the crap that makes the review sound like an ad and you'd end up with more information using fewer keystrokes.
LazurusLong's Avatar
I'd be even more appreciative if guys would start listing incall location in the title of the review. It would save a lot of page clicks for those of us reading reviews from our tablets or smart phones. Originally Posted by TinMan
Without a hijack, IF the providers would learn to adjust ads to the guys using a smart phone and would put a location that makes sense in their ad subject line, NOT shit like DFW or Dallas but something like Tollway/Arapaho or 635/Preston, AND maybe hours like 10a-6p only.....
Didn't the chubby volatile ho start a whole forum for lost hookers so they could be found? Now our brothers in commercial copulation can't even put the location in a review? I mean wanting location in the title is pushing the whiner envelope, but on the front end would be nice. Address not mandatory. But the major cross street stuff, that's still important.

C'mon, TM, getting ALL the good info without opening the review is like wanting the magic decoder ring out of a box of Cracker Jacks without your teeth hurting or your fingers getting sticky just a little bit.

Speaking of sticky fingers...... Originally Posted by phildo
Speaking of the uninformed...

Lemme know how those words taste when you get done choking them down.

Back on topic, I agree with Samantha and Ze. Privacy over paycheck. Not necessarily my privacy, but loved ones. Not everyone is comfortable with this industry.

I also do not allow pics or video unless I take them on my phone and have control over who gets them. Funny how some guys won't agree to that. They want to take them with their own camera. Hmmm...I wonder why???