first time she said it was a misunderstanding on what time and if we were still going to meet so she went grocery shopping and wouldn't be back for several hours, second time she said she was at six flags could we rescedule, this time i got to the house and her room mate slammed the door in my face i think 3 times is the lucky number. We made a deal of a barter and some donation and like an idiot i trusted her and gave her the barter deal first because i didn't have time for a session at that time and she seemed sweet and honest enough and my schedule is terrible and she said she would work with it, but this is the third time she blew me off so i am guessing she doesn't really want to hold up her end of the deal.
guess it's my fault for being to nice and being a cheap ass trying to get half priced ass
dallasfan's Avatar
guess it's my fault for being to nice and being a cheap ass trying to get half priced ass Originally Posted by JollyRancherHard
Your not a cheap ass by any means. Sorry she did that to you doll.
Livi's Avatar
  • Livi
  • 08-04-2014, 09:44 PM
Actually ur the fucking crazy ass who randomly shows up at my house!
The first time u flaked out and had to cancel after I gave you my address!
There are two sides of this story I never confirmed any apt today and now you have shown up twice without being invited!!!! You cannot randomly show up to people's houses! Maybe I need to make an alert out for you because I'm sure everyone will agree it's a little creepy to just show up to someone's home this isn't a drive thru!
If anyone wants to see our text let me know, now she is trying to say she is going to Alert and try to tell ladies i am a weirdo or something, if anyone wants to see proof and the text back and fourth let me know
Livi's Avatar
  • Livi
  • 08-04-2014, 09:53 PM
Yes let's see the texts I would love to see them
Livi's Avatar
  • Livi
  • 08-04-2014, 09:57 PM
All I know is stay away from my house!
You are a creep! You yelled at my roommate
at the door who acts that way? It's not normal
Livi's Avatar
  • Livi
  • 08-04-2014, 10:03 PM
what does that text mean? I better watch my back? Is that a threat?
you maam are fucking nuts, your just mad because i called you out i told you i wa leaving you alone and to leave me alone phsyco
are you worried ir mad that you just told me your room mates BF is a cop?
you can talk to ANY provider that has ever messages or received messages from me or seen me i have never been anything but polite to everyone i have ever met or talked to. stop texting me your batshit crazy messages i'm not gonna play your little games
Chung Tran's Avatar
so far my scorecard has JRH in the lead..
Well, that escalated quickly...
Livi's Avatar
  • Livi
  • 08-04-2014, 10:23 PM
You hve showed up to my house unannounced uninvited twice!
And what deal did I give you because I don't cut deals my rates
are strict And all my regulars will agree
We are not friends do not come to my house whenever you feel like it