Lessons I've learned from providers

So I'm self employed and I've picked up some good tools in business from my beloved providers ( I love you girls!!!)

1.tcb- when my clients call, I call them back promptly and let them know if I'm running late. My revenue has increased just from this...Thank you girls!

2. iop- I deal with some clients that are just stupid motherfuckers. I smile, talk kindly and go out of my way to help. And make them think they are the masters of the universe and I'm just a lowly serf.

3. Donations are not discussed or negotiated- jesus fucking Christ people want to pay me rookie rates when I have 20 years experience in my field. I don't take it personally anymore because everyone has the right to seek a bargain, but I tell prospective clients very quickly to go see Joe Bargain if they want to pay peanuts. Girls you ROCK!

4. NQNS- The Chinese have a saying in that one must learn how to eat bitter. I don't really like those dog ass accounts that kind of suck to service every week, but one leads to another and annual residual sales stack up. Not every client account is a diamond, but I don't have anymore turds....which leads to ...

5. Bbfs- I've been in my field long enough now that I service a small area and charge a FUCKLOAD, and I say NO FUCKING WAY TO MOST EVERYTHING OUT SIDE OF THE BUBBLE.
I'm about quality now, not quantity and won't bend over backwards to make an extra buck. FUCK EM! !

Ladies thank you so much for these simple profound lessons on how to conduct business. I love you girls!
Addendum to number 3. About donations...

When a client pays me I never look at the money, only at my customer. This does nothing but promote trust and Kindle a feeling of camaraderie. Meaning REPEAT CUSTOMER!!!

Unfortunately only some providers possess this kung fu skill, but those few have taught this pupil. Thank you awesome provider Masters!!
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Being a provider is not for the faint at heart.

LucadeJure's Avatar
I agree with nicholas in the fact that a few gents playing in the Hobby earn a living in a way that mirrors the business practices of the top tier Providers. We don't sell the same product, but the business practices are identical; Great Communication, Always Wear A Smile, Under Promise and Over Perform, Show Some Gratitude That The Client Chose You, Honesty Is A Darn Good Policy, the list goes on and on.

I was having this discussion with a Provider not too long ago because she asked for some advice and I reminded her that not all the McCreepsters are in the Hobby. Most of them are in the business world I deal in day-to-day. The pillow talk session lasted longer than the playtime session.

And no, I didn't charge her a consultation fee ... but I paid hers.
Jake B's Avatar
Nicholas, so very very true. I have learned many a life lessons from our dear providers. One being that when you want something--express it, be direct. Even if it is to say no.
daty/o's Avatar
And I'm assuming at least one of these lessons was learned as "not making the same mistake". I'll give you one guess which.
I agree but mine is opposite. I had a rw top job and that helped me utilize and cultivate my business to a t. I tend to frequent high end spas and try to immulate that such as warm towels, plenty or fresh towels, nice aromas, candles and the cucumber flavor water thing never took off with me!! Lol (not enough water drinkers)
I too am both janitor and HNIC of my small company. I have benefited from the exact things you mentioned.

However, I take some exception to #3- talking about money. It is uncomfortable talking about money at times. I let them know what my rates are and how long I expect the task at hand to take and update them if there are substantial changes to my original estimate. I think it is important for the client to not be surprised in an unpleasant way when I present him or her with an invoice.

Occasionally, if I have low expectations for success fulfilling the client's wishes, I let them know and if there is any cost associated with that service.

That being said, like Nicholas, I too wish to thanks the escorts who provided me with examples of excellent service as well as the hookers who showed me examples of of poor service.

I a also guilty of using the hospital excuse for poor timeliness in communications, but I am a better liar about it because I know what kind of health issues we old bastards face.
Raquel de Milo's Avatar
Being successfully self employed does require many skills and a wide variety of knowledge. I have to admit I don't think a collage degree can compare to the lessons I've learned as an escort. Some of the skills I have acquired are:

Practical communication and the ability to listen. Listening involves reading body language and comprehension. Other traits are vocabulary, tact and the ability to manage emotions and beliefs, as well as interpersonal skills.
Communication is vital for self employment in any industry.

Creativity and problem solving. There are no manuals or guides to follow, there is no system of doing things. As an escort I've become capable of thinking for myself and developing strategies and techniques to provide a unique service.

Technology and marketing. I've had to learn all about various software, hardware web design, photography.. And the list goes on.

Strong decision making skills and planning.


Scheduler, manager, public relations, webmaster, photographer and CEO...

My own set of principles and positive attitude at all times.

Research. Demographics, security, and consistently evolving to keep up.

I believe all of these skills can be applied to anyone that is self-employed and running their own business. I am thankful for this opportunity of providing. I am preparing myself with lessons I can use in any business ventures I decide to take.

This hobby is more beneficial for everyone than most of us realize, we can all learn valuable things from each other. The simple fact that we do interact with each other on a more personal and intimate level is the very reason we are able to learn more from each other. I want to inspire lasting companionship with a successful businessman for guidance and mentorship because with my ambitions this is the time I could use the most help and learn lessons from you guys.
Well stated, Raquel.
It's a damn shame that the profession is frowned upon by proper society. You could list those skills on a resume, but when they asked what job you had that required you to learn those skills you would have to lie or most likely not be hired.
Addy's Avatar
  • Addy
  • 08-09-2014, 12:48 AM
I'm sure there is bad apples in every bunch. But so far I'm amazed from the people I have met and the things I've seen on ECCIE compared with backpage. There is so much more respect! I'm really excited about becoming part of this community. (Carry on lol)
Chung Tran's Avatar
I really like Addendum #3, and I agree that trust is extremely important..

of course, it can make you feel stupid, having to phone that 4%, or so, of customers and have to say, "hey, get your ass back here, you shorted me MF"!
ManSlut's Avatar
Dude, it took a Hooker board to teach you Small Business skills?!...LMAO...What's next in the Ass Kissing World, it taught you how to be a better Lover and how to get in touch with your feminine side??!!...This board is a self-promotion riot sometimes, God I miss Mya (not really)!
pyramider's Avatar
No one mentioned swallowing ....
[QUOTE=ManSlut;1055660851]Dude, it took a Hooker board to teach you Small Business skills?!...LMAO...What's next in the Ass Kissing World, it taught you how to be a better Lover and how to get in touch with your feminine side??!!...This board is a self-promotion riot sometimes, God I miss Mya (not
Perhaps you could give some lessons on how to pick up women and fuck for free....like most guys in the world do and learned naturally. Oh....you're a whole monger...you stupid motherfucker[\QUOTE]

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