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Quick Question For the Lady's and Gentlemen.
When a Provider declines an appointment How do you React or Respond to her ?
Do you just say thank you sorry we couldn't meet?
Do you say I have been a member for x yrs I have reviews and so on so forth?
Lady's how have Gentlemen reacted?
Lady's do you look to see how many "NO'S" the Gentlemen have gave? Exp if the gentlemen has gave All No's is that sorta an indication that your going to set yourself up for a no?
I wouldn't want to be his next no review.
I've seen where a member will say he doesn't do reviews unless he has a terrible time so he rushes to give a no review. To a provider that member looks like he can never be pleased with all no reviews. I wouldn't see a member with all no reviews, especially if he can't tell of any good times he's had.
Put him on ignore
DasAmebas's Avatar
If you tell a guy no, that shouldn't be a cue for him to try and convince you harder. He should just move on.

If you're instincts or screening process tells you to refuse a booking. You should stick to it.
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
I say bloody piss on it. To many other provider willing to accommodate and except your money. No need to harass her, just move on.
jillyclaire's Avatar
Even if it's a "yes" review, sometimes their tone and the things they write really aren't necessary.

Don't be a dill weed. Life is easier. Yep.
Only ladies I've mentioned my number of reviews or okays (p411) with are NBA ladies to gauge whether its a "safety" concern or whether they just aren't comfortable with AA men. This has allowed me to see a few publicly NBA ladies but others still say no. After that I mostly just move on although once and a while I'll check in with those who have an outstanding reputation to see if they've altered their stance. A provider would have to give really bad service or attitude to give her an outright "NO" review. There have been three instances where I should have given providers a "NO" on my second or third visit but I chose to give them the benefit of the doubt. I've just never seen them again. I'm that customer who skips the Yelp! review and just takes my money elsewhere if I get bad service.
Even if it's a "yes" review, sometimes their tone and the things they write really aren't necessary.

Don't be a dill weed. Life is easier. Yep. Originally Posted by jillyclaire
I just addressed a fellow hobbyist about this.
Great topic Miss Jae. What I find distressing is when someone who inquires with me acts as if I'm being mean or asking for too much when I stick to my policies and principles. Unfortunately, there are some men who believe women shouldn't or don't have standards... even more so for those of us who are "whores."
Great topic Miss Jae. What I find distressing is when someone who inquires with me acts as if I'm being mean or asking for too much when I stick to my policies and principles. Unfortunately, there are some men who believe women shouldn't or don't have standards... even more so for those of us who are "whores." Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
Hear, hear!
EBRTiger's Avatar
I really don't like the term "whores", you ladies are professionals providing a much needed service.
Great topic Miss Jae. What I find distressing is when someone who inquires with me acts as if I'm being mean or asking for too much when I stick to my policies and principles. Unfortunately, there are some men who believe women shouldn't or don't have standards... even more so for those of us who are "whores." Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
Apparently there are hobbyists that think provider=property/commodity and not people.

Providers should never allow that. Most of the established are confident enough to keep afloat.

Paying for one's time does not give one the privilege to treat them as sub-human.
You have a right to say no without any justification or explanation. Your business your rules. If a gent wants to get pissy and whiney about it, it becomes an if you act like an ass you get treated like one scenario.
pyramider's Avatar
The ladies love them some 1.3" of dangling death because its small, quick, and clean. That being said when a lady says no to an appointment I just shrug and move on. No harm, no foul. Or if the lady does not respond to my request, I just shrug and move on. Again, no harm, no foul.

Now the ladies sometimes get badgered into appointments. That should never happen but it does ... Ladies, remember a simple saying "not all money is good money." If you do not feel comfortable setting an appointment up with a fucktard, then don't. It could be some negative energy he is communicating, or you read his posts or reviews and do not get the warm fuzzies.
Ladies, remember a simple saying "not all money is good money." If you do not feel comfortable setting an appointment up with a fucktard, then don't. It could be some negative energy he is communicating, or you read his posts or reviews and do not get the warm fuzzies. Originally Posted by pyramider
This right here^^

Ladies ALWAYS check a potential clients temperature first
before you let him check yours.
Like pyramider said,
if he's communicating negative energy (a high temperature) then most likely he's gonna burn you
holmes50's Avatar
I really don't like the term "whores", you ladies are professionals providing a much needed service. Originally Posted by EBRTiger