Best area to stay in while in New Orleans?

This one is for the boys.

Which area of New Orleans is the most convinient area for you naughty gentleman to come and visit us ladies?

I would think the French Quarter would not be practical due to limitations on parking.

Please ladies, feel free to make suggestions as well.

I know in San Antonio it's most convenient in the airport area.

In Austin I like Hyde Park, Mueller Park or the Domain.

Houston seems to be most convenient around the Galleria area.

I just don't know what would be the most convinient area for gentleman to visit in New Orleans.

Thanks for any suggestions. Muah
It's a start. Laugh

Metairie Originally Posted by king snake
the warehouse district- convention center blvd area is great!

I lived and worked in Nola for many years. before & after Katrina.

Good luck Im sure you will do well
Im visiting nola for a few nights in Nov. myself I miss it too much
Thank you so much for the suggestions beautiful. I really appreciate it!!!

Xoxoxoxo, SusiSquirts

the warehouse district- convention center blvd area is great!

I lived and worked in Nola for many years. before & after Katrina.

Good luck Im sure you will do well Originally Posted by CRISTY-CUPPS