John Kerry in 2020!!!!

LexusLover's Avatar

He'll get the Muslim vote that's for sure!


Thanks Obama. Thanks Hillary.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-25-2018, 08:55 AM

Thanks Obama. Thanks Hillary. Originally Posted by gnadfly
It will be the House and then the Senate in 2020.

If Trump gets elected and the Dems gain control of both will be Benghazi all over again and Trump will have to deal and he will become hated by the right much like Bush II.

Gallant Fox's Avatar
Before the 2018 mid-terms; the GOP and Trump Movement will carpet bomb the Dems with ads asking voters to choose either the party that doubled their 401(k) or the party that wants to raise their taxes and that closes down the government to extort citizenship for illegal aliens.

Winning With East in 2018.
LexusLover's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
September 11, 2001: CNN -- Larry King Live

KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international opertions and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

SEN. JOHN KERRY (R), MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely.


"We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."

Obaminable's Pick!!!!
bambino's Avatar
It will be the House and then the Senate in 2020.

If Trump gets elected and the Dems gain control of both will be Benghazi all over again and Trump will have to deal and he will become hated by the right much like Bush II.

Originally Posted by WTF
Are you DICKtating again!!!!!!! “he will have to deal” Deal what? Blackjack?
LexusLover's Avatar
"WhatThaFuckDoIKnow" is blaming the 911 attack on Bush? Really?

Bush was getting blamed in 1993? Almost 25 years later ..... the dream continues!

And all this time Clinton thought it was OBL ....

Here's the "man in charge"!!!!

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Before the 2018 mid-terms; the GOP and Trump Movement will carpet bomb the Dems with ads asking voters to choose either the party that doubled their 401(k) or the party that wants to raise their taxes and that closes down the government to extort citizenship for illegal aliens.

Winning With East in 2018. Originally Posted by Gallant Fox
You have a very naive understanding of why people vote for specific candidates. The tax package was nice but when it comes down to the bottom line, the average family in this country will get an extra $65 a month or so in their wallets. The DJIA increased about 30% in Trump's 1st year in office. Very nice gain but hardly double. In March of 2009 the DJIA was at 6,626. One year later it was at 10,552, an almost 60% increase. There were several other year's under Obama where the DJIA was up 25% in a year's period.

Many people love Trump and many people hate Trump. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with his successes or failures as POTUS. Trump continues to have the lowest approval rating of any POTUS in his first year in office. 38% average. The latest Gallup poll, taken 4 days ago, has his approval rating at 36%. And this is AFTER the tax proposal passed. The only group that seems to be staying in support of him are his base.

There are 9 1/2 months until election day 2018. The odds right now, from one source, has the Democrats with a 61.1% chance of winning control of the House. It all depends on turnout on voting day. In 2016, Republicans did a much better job at energizing their voters than Democrats. In the Senate vote in Alabama, Democrats came out to vote much more strongly than Republicans and Jones won. A state Trump won by almost 30%. My opinion is that in 2018 you are going to see many voters who sat on the sidelines in 2016 come out and vote against Trump. In droves. Trump is simply that unpopular.
texassapper's Avatar
If the polls taught you's that they aren't to be trusted. Public polls are simply used to try and sway voters. There's a well known social phenomena called the strong horse... people tend to vote for the strong horse or who they perceive will win, thus polls almost always show the conservative at a disadvantage regardless of reality. The only useful polls are privately commissioned and are not publicized. The only other useful poll is called an election.

Likely the Republicans will lose seats....that's simple history... but they aren't likely to lose control of the house because even though 30 some republicans are retiring, there are about 15 or so Dems retiring...the Dems have to flip 25 seats to get control...they will come close but I don't think that they will be able to flip enough seats. And even if they do, I'm fine with that...with as much power as DC holds these days I prefer the legislative and Executive be at war with one another rather than passing more regulations to eliminate more freedom. And if we're lucky the Dems will go all in on their impeachment talk...but I doubt that will happen.

Instead we're likely going to find out how Obama abused the FISA process, spied on Trump, tried to help Hillary and used the FBI for political purposes. It should make the Dems radioactive. for this coming midterm.
LexusLover's Avatar
You have a very naive understanding of why people vote for specific candidates. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
10-20-2016, 08:03 AM Post #21


This election is OVER. Republicans should start focusing on 2020. Unless a bomb hits between now and November 8th there is no way Trump can overcome the lead that Clinton has in the polls. For those of you who are still not believing the polls . . . we'll see in a handful of days how accurate they are.

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SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Back to our regularly scheduled broadcast. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I was wrong. Unlike YOU, I admit when I made an inaccurate statement. Yes, polls are sometimes wrong and sometimes they are right. Polls in at least 3 states were inaccurate in 2016 -- Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Trump won by .3% in Michigan , 1.2% in Pennsylvania, and 1% in Wisconsin. The election was that close.

Instead of making ignorant, condescending remarks like "Back to our regularly scheduled broadcast." why don't you respond as texassapper did. I may not agree with everything he said but he stated his disagreement with me very politely and to the point.

As I said in my last post, turn out on election day determines who will win an election. Republicans showed up in November 2016 and Democrats did not. Democrats turned out in Alabama in December 2017 and beat the heavily favored Republican candidate. Whichever party can energize their voters will end up with the majority in the House. I would say that the Senate is safely Republican in 2018.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

He'll get the Muslim vote that's for sure!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Kerry tells palesinian leader to ignore Trump and he said something strange...

During the meeting, Kerry reportedly told Agha that Abbas should essentially ignore President Trump. He also strangely suggested Trump wouldn't be in office by the end of the year.

Is he on this anti-trump cabal fisa thing?

Instead we're likely going to find out how Obama abused the FISA process, spied on Trump, tried to help Hillary and used the FBI for political purposes. It should make the Dems radioactive. for this coming midterm. Originally Posted by texassapper
We already know. The question is will the MSM condemn the Obama/Clinton cabal or will they continue with the lame Russian collusion story?

They will try to continue with the Russian collusion story even though many Democrats for months have said there's no there there.