The Truth About The Joke 1000 Dollar Bonuses!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Anyone else wonder why a few large corporations are giving out 1000 dollar bonuses with 1 hand and cutting jobs with the other?

Here is why!

Those companies know that by giving the bonuses Trump will stand in front of the cameras and praise them, it is a cheap commercial nothing else.
Like buying a cheap Super Bowl Commercial!
They know the bonuses are 1 time and not a true wage increase that would be permanent.
They also know they can offset the cost of the bonuses by eliminating the workforce which of course will not be mentioned by Trump.

It’s another attempt by big business to use employees as suckers. Many of those with bonus check in hand this year will be in the unemployment line next year when the commercial is over!

Think people ! Don’t be fools !
bambino's Avatar
Success has many fathers while losers are orphans. You are an orphan.
lustylad's Avatar
Your performance in everything you do is so piss-poor and utterly unsatisfactory that you have never received a bonus or a promotion in your entire fucking life!

Now you can add bonus-envy to penis-envy in your catalog of afflictions.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Anyone else wonder why a few large corporations are giving out 1000 dollar bonuses with 1 hand and cutting jobs with the other?

Here is why!

Those companies know that by giving the bonuses Trump will stand in front of the cameras and praise them, it is a cheap commercial nothing else.
Like buying a cheap Super Bowl Commercial!
They know the bonuses are 1 time and not a true wage increase that would be permanent.
They also know they can offset the cost of the bonuses by eliminating the workforce which of course will not be mentioned by Trump.

It’s another attempt by big business to use employees as suckers. Many of those with bonus check in hand this year will be in the unemployment line next year when the commercial is over!

Think people ! Don’t be fools ! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
It's dumb asses like you that give me a laugh. Here President Trump is basically giving you a couple thousands of dollars, yet you bitch about it on one hand, and probably have your grubby paws out wanting more. People like you can't be satisfied.
StandinStraight's Avatar
It's dumb asses like you that give me a laugh. Here President Trump is basically giving you a couple thousands of dollars, yet you bitch about it on one hand, and probably have your grubby paws out wanting more. People like you can't be satisfied. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
It’s not about being satisfied it’s about being awake to what is really going on and not being gullible and unaware. If you really think those companies gave out those bonuses for any reason other than publicity your a fool!

Not to mention Trump now owes them favors for giving him some cover for his tax scam.

Wake up!
first, its quite a few companies and more announcing daily, not just a "few"

so your credibility is proved to be non existent in the first sentence of your post

but businesses constantly shut down some facilities while expanding or opening others especially retail

now the only business that I have heard announce closings that the news media has mentioned while reporting increased wage and benefit packages for their employees is Wal-Mart

perhaps there are others but I haven't heard, but those two occurrences (wage and benefit increases and reallocations of company assets) are separate issues and cannot be combined to present some sort of "hypocrisy" discovery

so that's another credibility gap in your worth as a poster
StandinStraight's Avatar
first, its quite a few companies and more announcing daily, not just a "few"

so your credibility is proved to be non existent in the first sentence of your post

but businesses constantly shut down some facilities while expanding or opening others especially retail

now the only business that I have heard announce closings that the news media has mentioned while reporting increased wage and benefit packages for their employees is Wal-Mart

perhaps there are others but I haven't heard, but those two occurrences (wage and benefit increases and reallocations of company assets) are separate issues and cannot be combined to present some sort of "hypocrisy" discovery

so that's another credibility gap in your worth as a poster Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Your living in fairy land, if these bonuses were anything but a publicity stunt the companies would have given permanent wage increases. The bonuses were a spit in the bucket of the actual money gained by the tax cuts. The give workers a crumb while they eat the sandwich, increased wages and employee benefits should be given by every large corporation across America to be fair to workers!
Your living in fairy land,! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
I am in a fairyland when reading your post

the rest of what you posted is a non responsive channeling of nancy pelosi
lustylad's Avatar
...increased wages and employee benefits should be given by every large corporation across America to be fair to workers! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
A churning capitalist economy like ours is constantly producing winners and losers...

Start with the losers: If a corporation is losing money, then to be "fair" to workers it should increase their wages & benefits so it can go out of business faster!

Now the winners: If a corporation is growing fast and needs to expand, it should be "fair" to its workers and increase their wages & benefits, even if this means it can't invest to ramp up production and hire more people to keep pace with demand.

Bottom line - It doesn't matter to StandinStupid what your business looks like, winner or loser... he thinks "every large corporation across America" needs to respond in exactly the same way to be "fair" to workers!

StandinStupid needs to spend less time on a hooker board and more time studying for an MBA!
It’s not about being satisfied it’s about being awake to what is really going on and not being gullible and unaware. If you really think those companies gave out those bonuses for any reason other than publicity your a fool!

Not to mention Trump now owes them favors for giving him some cover for his tax scam.

Wake up! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You might be awake but you're on "Dope". Find a good Rehab Center. As usual you don't know what you are talking about. I guess what ever pops into your inebriated head comes out of your stupid mouth. Sort of the same in the Computer world "Garbage In, Garbage Out".

Success has many fathers while losers are orphans. You are an orphan. Originally Posted by bambino
He's a homeless orphan too. Even the orphanage had enough of his shit and kicked him out, lol.

nancy, who rails against upper income taxpayers as receiving all the tax breaks and not paying their "fair share"

Pelosi Tries to Extend $137,000 Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

Congress's wealthiest woman plays the tax game too: Pelosi rushed to pre-pay property taxes after decrying GOP tax overhaul as middle-class tax hike
StandinStraight's Avatar
You might be awake but you're on "Dope". Find a good Rehab Center. As usual you don't know what you are talking about. I guess what ever pops into your inebriated head comes out of your stupid mouth. Sort of the same in the Computer world "Garbage In, Garbage Out".

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
No actually as usual you don’t understand what I am talking about, why would you? As a deplorable you have no education or ability to learn. Deplorables don’t want to learn or think for themselves, they want to live in a autocratic society because they need to be told how to think and led around like puppies on a leash. Do you deplorables realize if your type was living in another country your exactly the type Trumps wall would be keeping out. He only wanted your vote, he considers you uneducated baggage.

I don’t mean to be so blunt and brutal but it may be the only way to approach deplorables.
lustylad's Avatar
As a deplorable you have no education or ability to learn. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
There you go again, trashing those who call out your bullshit as having "no education". That's easier than advancing or defending a coherent, fact-based argument, which is what educated people do.

What was your dissertation topic again, Professor Blow Me?

Inquiring, educated minds want to know!
He's a homeless orphan too. Even the orphanage had enough of his shit and kicked him out, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I lived 9 years in an orphanage, he would have been a patsy