Spygate from Italy

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

1. by the way: not just the Italian Government, also the Vatican was involved in the SpyGate on Trump.

in the photo:
on the left: the Prime Minister of Italy, Matteo Renzi (PM in 2016) on the right: the usurper.

please Retweet

2. infact, good sources from Italy told me that Matteo Renzi is the Pope's darling. it was the Vatican who put Renzi as Prime Minister of Italy.

3. the POPE hates Trump. just as much as Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi hate Trump.

@RepAdamSchiff , @SpeakerPelosi

4. also the POPE prays for Trump, just like Nancy Pelosi. @SpeakerPelosi

but I will not tell you the contents of the Pope prayers...

5. on Oct 18, 2016 there was an OFFICIAL LUNCHEON at the State Dept, in honor of the Prime Minister of Italy - MATTEO RENZI.

in this video of the Event, you can enjoy the Wonderful English pronounciation of MATTEO RENZI:

6. Oct 18, 2016 was just 20 days before the Presidential Election.

was that State Luncheon a BIG THANK YOU to Renzi for the SpyOp on Trump?

7. the STATE LUNCHEON was hosted by the Secretary of State, John Kerry.

many top level officials of the Obama Administration were present at that lunch:

- Vice President Joe Biden
- Nancy Pelosi
- John Brennan - Director of the CIA
- Susan Rice - Obama Nat. Security Adviser

8. also present at that LUNCH:

- Loretta Lynch - Obama Attorney General
- Valerie Jarrett (obama's nanny)
- James Clapper
- James Comey
- Samantha Powers

9. the Hillary Clinton people could not be missing at that event, of course! the election was close, and they were certain that Hillary would win...

so, at that lunch there were also:

- John Podesta
- Tony Podesta

10. and who else was at that OFFICIAL LUNCHEON at the State Department?

11. Oh Yeah !!

also ERIC CIAMARELLA was at that Official State Luncheon of Oct 18, 2016, with the Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, Joe Biden, Nazny Pelosi, John Kerry, John Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Lynch, and all those guys...

12. and here is an interesting question: will William Barr and John Durham demand the EXTRADITION of the fmr Italian Prime Minister MATTEO RENZI ? @matteorenzi

remember: Barr and Durham have been to Italy twice. in Aug & in Sept 2019...

Hi Renzi !

how are you today?

13. and:

will Barr & Durham demand the Extradition of the POPE ?

to put that guy UNDER TRIAL in the US ?

or some other top level piece of the VATICAN ?

14. Enjoy the Show...

15. by the way:

we KNOW that ERIC CIAMAR£LLA was involved in the Ukraine arm of the SpyGate on Trump:

- he met with Chalupa in Jan 2016

was ERIC CIAMAR£LLA involved also in the Italian arm of SpyGate?
and with the VATICAN ?

16. is it also the VATICAN protecting ERIC CIAMAR3LLA ?

not just the CIA, Adam Schiff & Brennan... after all, Nancy Pelosi is a fervent Catholic (or so she says...)

how is Nancy Pelosi connected with the VATICAN ?

17. The VATICAN has its own CIA.

it is called SIV. "Servizio Informazioni Vaticano". it's the oldest Spy Agency in the world.

article (from Italian source):

18. The Vatican Bank (named IOR) has $3.8 Billion in assets (check)

don't think the VATICAN is poor...

the VATICAN owns HALF of all the buildings and palaces in Rome.

and thousands all over Europe.
the VATICAN assets are in the Trillions of $$$

19. for more info: ASK Nancy @SpeakerPelosi
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Occhionero Files: EternalBlue meets EyePyramid. #TheSilentOnes #Spygate #QAnon #GreatAwakening #NEONREVOLT


article mentions a Euro anti-trump spy op called Operation Charlemagne.

Was Operation Charlemagne the Trump Frame-Up That Got Away?

the clinton emails keep popping up... why that has to do with Trump I don't know.

very curious....
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm reading the Occhionero Files.

Half way down. article mentions an attack on the NSA servers. Hackers d/l and made NSA hack tools available to everyone.

suggests rogue elements in Clowns in America (CIA) were involved.

But as we all know, this isn’t the case. The only reason the NSA lost control of those tools in the first place was because it had been infiltrated by CIA double-agents, who then took those tools and marketed them online using the bogus “Shadow Brokers” moniker.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I didn't know the Vatican has a intelligence service. wow.

it appears that the Italian intel service fucked up the anti-trump operation according to Occhionero. they stupidly led the classified op to themselves!!!

this has a makings of a cluster fuck of epic proportions.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Looks like the rumor has it that McCabe & Stroke will be arrested next week.

stay tuned.

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more on Eric Ciaramella.

read the latest on Greg Rubini's thread.

He says Eric Ciaramella hired a bunch of snipers to kill 100 ukrainians during the Maiden revolution in 2014 under orders by Obama.

if obama is really linked to this.. oooohh that is really bad...
rexdutchman's Avatar
HoeHummer's Avatar
What do yous call a circle jerk with onlys one participant????

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yous louse needs that tin foil hat more than me.
  • oeb11
  • 02-11-2020, 08:42 AM
YR's disinformation in austin is resistant to tin foil.

Unfortunately the craziness in austin/ other Fascist DPST strongholds can only be remedied by "Four more years"!!