Trump fires Atkinson!!!

bambino's Avatar
Should have done it long ago. Schiffhead and Pelosi’s exploding!!!!!!
Hotrod511's Avatar
Should have done it long ago. Schiffhead and Pelosi’s exploding!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Another lib bites the dust
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Should have done it long ago. Schiffhead and Pelosi’s exploding!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino

sooner perhaps but it's part of larger things going on. just a first casualty coming in this impeachment scam.

note that Schitthead has not released any of Atkinson's testimony? Atkinson was the enabler of the weaselbrau Eric Ciaramella to file his second complaint as Urgent based on that cunt Vindman's misinformation and of course be forwarded to Schitthead.

Atkinson has "corrected" his story about when he changed reporting rules as has Schitthead's staff who now admit Yes they did meet with weaselbrau Eric Ciaramella before he filed any complaint.
Hotrod511's Avatar
the democrat party has sunk to new lows even for them, makes me wonder what JFK would had thought of the party today? (ask not what your country can do for you! what you can do for your country)
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
aktinson was the one who changed the complaint form without clearance from the agency in question. this allowed Ciaramella to file his complaint.

I think this would be probable cause to fire him.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Nobody ever said draining the swamp was going to be pretty.
The amazing thing is this dirtbag was still on the payroll.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
What I don't get is that a lot of folks cause their own problems (unemployment for this). Just the same as karma, the political world always has paybacks. How can they not see upfront that they are cooking their own job, reputation, and then emptying their savings on legal bills. DC just eats people. How can folks think it won't happen to them?
Should fire Wray next. During this quarantine, the Dim can't put another impeachment committee together, nor will it get airtime.

President Kong should take a page from the Dim's playbook: "Never let a good crisis go to waste."
Jaxson66's Avatar
The great leader will always find time for vengeance, COVID crises be damned, I expect the fat lying bastard to soon turn his vengeance towards the blue states. That’s just the kinda guy he is.
HoeHummer's Avatar
What a big surprise! And oh so worthy of three exclamation points.

Trump fires someone for standing up for honesty. While nobody’s was looking, btw.

America should fire McConnell and Trump.

What a big surprise! And oh so worthy of three exclamation points.

Trump fires someone for standing up for honesty. While nobody’s was looking, btw.

America should fire McConnell and Trump.

Losers. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Then get out and mobilize the vote there Mr. Fake Canuck.

Make sure to shake as many Dem hands as you can in the process. NYC is probably a good place to start.
  • oeb11
  • 04-04-2020, 09:13 AM
EL - Good advice the folks like j666 and other fascist DPST's.

They are shameless in their Lies and Hatred.

Their mantra -"The Ends justify the Means Regardless"!!!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Other than the firing, nothing in this post is new. What proof of a second complaint do you have? You have no proof of many of your statements.

The correct narrative has been documented in numerous posts and threads last fall.
Once again you are using debunked information. Here is a link to the whistleblower complaint form and its timeline.

You have a president who has lied over 15000 times and you never acknowledge that, bring that subject up, or question anything he says.

trump was a con man for 30 plus years and you act like he suddenly changed.
sooner perhaps but it's part of larger things going on. just a first casualty coming in this impeachment scam.

note that Schitthead has not released any of Atkinson's testimony? Atkinson was the enabler of the weaselbrau Eric Ciaramella to file his second complaint as Urgent based on that cunt Vindman's misinformation and of course be forwarded to Schitthead.

Atkinson has "corrected" his story about when he changed reporting rules as has Schitthead's staff who now admit Yes they did meet with weaselbrau Eric Ciaramella before he filed any complaint. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What a big surprise! And oh so worthy of three exclamation points.

Trump fires someone for standing up for honesty. While nobody’s was looking, btw.

America should fire McConnell and Trump.

Losers. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

making an unauthorized change on the complaint policy is not honesty.

its crooked.