How a Provider can make their Client feel so special that the session will be on his mind for weeks.

Hobbyists do their homework and check out Reviews, Ad’s, Pictures, P411, Rates, Menu’s, and word of mouth.

Providers Check out their clients by Screening, How accurate a Hobbyists wrote a review, Back Channels, OK’s, and word of mouth.

Still there is no way to predict how YOUR session will actually turn out. You can just go by the info that is available and make an informed decision from there.

Some sessions are good, some are GREAT, and some not so good. IMHO, the sessions that stay on my mind the LONGEST are the sessions that have some nice surprises.
(Un-scheduled and un-predicted surprises) Guy’s love this stuff. Be Creative, Charming, Friendly, and Seductive.

I know that Many Providers Like to Make a Session Special and Memorable for their Clients but, I am talking about something that is totally unexpected and a very Pleasant Surprise.

Example: Read the Review at the Bottom of my Subject Line.