What a jerk...

Okay so i get a call about a negative review posted on my behalf so i get on eccie and what do you know i find this dumb ass review posted about me. So i guess i should let the truth be told and bust this loser out like i should have done right after i kicked his ass out my door. Okay so i set an Appt to meet dlc2003 he get's here and has a dossier of porn industry chicks he's banged.." As if to intimidate me i guess who knows? okay so i get beyond that small insult and get to business but he insisted we start w/ bbbj followed by cim followed by CS and then CIF which is all do able but i dont do PSE @ regular fs rates to which i quoted him a different rate and he goes i've banged such and such porn chick....LMFAO SOOO WHAT!! I just think he's a dumb ass because we talked about my services prior to our meeting so i see no reason for him to be disappointed in me for not being willing to do more for less and to top it off he writes a dumb ass review. Uggh
Ron Mexico's Avatar
LOL. Whenever some of these guys write negative reviews, they always leave out the parts that show them in a negative light.
Wow, I cant belive that. I just saw him and he couldnt have been a nicer guy. Sorry to hear that happened to you.
thats the downside to reviews...its only one side of the story.

you can't please everyone!
but we sure do try...so be nice
bree anna,

i can't believe you wrote that about me. i wrote a very fair and unbiased review of you. I never wrote anything negative about you. I said that you're a very attractive young woman and that maybe it was the time of the day or something. i never bragged about who I did whatsoever during our time. whoever called you about it was over exaggerating. if you want me to send you my review i will. that's all i'm going to say on the matter. in no way was i shedding a false or negative light on who you are. i did mention that there wasn't a mutual connection between us and that's ok because not every provider/client will have that. i'm not going to put a "yes" recommendation on every provider i see, however, i will never bash or say anything untrue about my meeting. i never bragged or acted arrogant in regards to who i saw and who i "banged" and i don't appreciate you saying that the women that i visited with were "porn star" like or had a dossier of porn star chicks that i did because they were all more classy and sweeter than a porn star chick. this is my only and last comment in reference to this because I'm too busy to start or deal with drama. you're a very beautiful young lady and i'm sure you have enough clientele that my one, fair and unbiased review, will not hurt your business. and for the record, we never did cim or cif. we finished in mish position. i hope you had a great weekend and that you continue your pursuit of becoming a nurse.

best regards,

Bushaholic's Avatar
Sounds like both sides had their say. This ones done per request of the OP.

Okay folks time to close this and the review. Policy is we allow a provider to respond to a disputed review and then close it. Only two people know what really happened, all else is speculation.