Review: Tunica Pick up

Date: 10/24/15
Provider: Scarlet Angel
Phone: none
Email Address: none
URL / Website: none
City: Tunica
State: Mississippi
Address: Gold Strike Casnio
Appointment Type: Other
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: limited activities i want
Session Length: 2 hr
Fee: $$$.$
Hair Length and Color: light brown down to shoulder
Age: mid 20's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: While sitting at a black jack table this semi cute middle 20's brown hair young lady sat down next to me. She was into more talking than playing blackjack. Soon all her money was gone and the talk lead to more talk and soon she was leaning all over me. As the chat lead down the all too well know "I so broke now can't take a cab home could you give me a ride will make it worth your while" well here i was stuck and horny. so what the hell lets give it a try. Once in the car she said all the right things so I just said let's cut the BS "how much" once that was settle off the my hotel.
Recommendation: No