The Adults are Back In Charge At The White House: A return To Normalcy and Decency

ICU 812's Avatar
Remember that campegine slogan or something like it?

So lately, we have seen a topless transgendered sewt of boobs encouraged at a white house function. Now that is a good look for the Nation on the international news feeds.

Now we have Staff Edit - Biomed1 left in a "highly traveled place", and it seems as though they are treating it like a well-what-can-you-do sort of thing.

I am less troubled that someone left it there (where?) or who they are. What troubles me is that it was done at all and not discovered/confiscated by the security folks. It could have been anything more dangerous or even lethal such as anthrax or fentanyl.

Doesn't matter that the Bidens were not there . . .it happened..
matchingmole's Avatar
What did they find? This is news to me
What did they find? This is news to me Originally Posted by matchingmole

all over the news about the white substance found 1 or 2 days ago.
matchingmole's Avatar
all over the news about the white substance found 1 or 2 days ago. Originally Posted by farmstud60
If you say so