pArty Fouls Pics

Secret Encounters's Avatar
Have U ever had someone send u a pic and wondered wth is the person in background doing?? My friend posted this on fb i had to share.. lol pricelesss ..

Please share pics if u have ever had a WTF ??moment .. hahaha!!

ohh and the pic title said ... Just sayn HI ... I had to sneak in the pic .. and yes i was only peeing ... haha!!
tia travels's Avatar
I know, you mean pictures like this eh?====>>
Secret Encounters's Avatar
lmfao ... holy shit ... thanks tia !!!
KCQuestor's Avatar
Be careful with pictures that show children. I received points (the only points I've ever gotten) by linking to a picture that was similar to the ones Tia posted.

Anyway, for more photobomb images (where someone in the background ruins a picture), check out
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Love photobombs. Not a big fan of the ones with kids, they kind of make me sad. We may all laugh but that's a real person with a memory of that event because their parents are too shitty to get a babysitter or skip the bachelor party.