You taste good, honey!

Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 08-21-2015, 06:33 AM
I was told recently:mmm you taste good, honey.! This is after she took a swipe of my semen like tasting some real sticky honey from a jar.

Is this different from one guy to the other? Does it make a difference to you ladies who partake in tasting?

Maybe it depends on diet, hydration or medications ? Anybody with knowledge and experience want to comment?
Goose2u's Avatar
I've heard a lot of citrus helps
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
I've been advised by a long time goo gobbler to:
Munch out on mango, pineapple, citrus.
Lay off the Tex-Mex, Indian, hot asian stuff, anything with garlic, onions, pungent spices.
Pineapple juice!! Yum yum !!
Raquel de Milo's Avatar
Delicious tasting cum is definitely a rare delectable
RAMP's Avatar
  • RAMP
  • 08-21-2015, 10:27 AM
Cranberry juice....oh wait....
SelenaAce's Avatar
Pineeeapppllleee !
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 08-22-2015, 08:46 AM
When I let my SB know that I am eating pineapple the day before our meeting, she smiles!!! Of course she swallows!
Lunytunz's Avatar
After an exhaustive review of the medical literature, there is no evidence that eating certain foods or consuming certain products changes the palatability of semen. However, I am sure there will be no shortage of opinions expressed here. The American College of Urology stated "the composition of seminal fluid is constant because it includes a precise mixture of components necessary to support sperm." Therefore, if the composition is constant, the taste must be constant. However, I will surrender to the opinion that each person is different, therefore possibly contributing to slight variations in taste.

Speaking of its composition, semen is about 96 percent water, plus:
• Sperm, which account for about 2 percent of ejaculate volume.
• Fructose, fruit sugar, which nourishes sperm.
• Vitamin C, which helps keep sperm healthy.
• Sodium bicarbonate, an alkaline(or base) compound that protect sperm from the slightly acid environment of the vagina.
• Various proteins and enzymes.
• A several minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium--and zinc, which gives semen its odd, metallic taste.

Therefore, eating certain foods that change the composition, ie taste, is fundamentally untrue. However there are things that CAN impact the taste of urine. Smoking and certain foods can alter the pH of urine. So possibly altering, minimally, the taste of semen MAY be due to the small amount of urine that is usually discharged along with the ejaculate during orgasm.

Now, INTERNET discussions agree. Fruit juices are often recommended to sweeten semen, notably, apple and pineapple. Meanwhile, foods reported to foul the taste include meats, dairy, deep fried foods, coffee, alcohol, and asparagus (which makes sense because of its well-known ability to alter the aroma of urine), plus one nonfood item, cigarettes. Keep in mind there is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THIS.

If you will notice, it seems that leading a healthy lifestyle, ANECDOTALLY, will change the way semen tastes. So why not give a healthy lifestyle a try.

As for women who fear swallowing, which I might add is probably one those most AWESOME ways to finish a session, semen is 96 percent water and there's nothing harmful in it. It's also non-fattening, around 20 calories per ejaculate.

To make swallowing easier, women might use lifesavers or keep a strong-flavored drink and a straw handy: wine, liqueur, grape juice, chocolate milk, or ice tea. After the man ejaculates, take a sip.

To conclude, there is no evidence supporting anyone's ability to change the taste of their semen. However, why not try to prove the establishment wrong by living a healthy lifestyle by eating more fruit and quitting smoking. Ladies, do us fellas a favor and slip a mint in the ol' gob and slam that cum down the hatch for an awesome finish! It will keep us coming back for more
TinMan's Avatar
I wonder how my diet of prunes and Ensure tastes?

Probably like cobwebs.
pyramider's Avatar
I heard you splooged dust ...
...and Grey Goose.
  • Caleb
  • 08-22-2015, 05:03 PM
...and Grey Goose. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I think that only helps if *she* drinks the Grey Goose.
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 08-22-2015, 07:37 PM
Impressive summary, and logical. Nevertheless, I have to give the pros on this board the last word, who knows what trace amounts of aromatic compounds are involved, and they might be right. I think they know better. Anyways, there was a lot of interesting input in this discussion. Thanks

Too bad , I love asparagus ... Garlic, nuts, onions, olives , Camembert with red wine and hot pepper ... Fried foods are gone but ... asparagus?
BigDBone's Avatar
After an exhaustive review of the medical literature, there is no evidence that eating certain foods or consuming certain products changes the palatability of semen. However, I am sure there will be no shortage of opinions expressed here. The American College of Urology stated "the composition of seminal fluid is constant because it includes a precise mixture of components necessary to support sperm." Therefore, if the composition is constant, the taste must be constant. However, I will surrender to the opinion that each person is different, therefore possibly contributing to slight variations in taste.

Speaking of its composition, semen is about 96 percent water, plus:
• Sperm, which account for about 2 percent of ejaculate volume.
• Fructose, fruit sugar, which nourishes sperm.
• Vitamin C, which helps keep sperm healthy.
• Sodium bicarbonate, an alkaline(or base) compound that protect sperm from the slightly acid environment of the vagina.
• Various proteins and enzymes.
• A several minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium--and zinc, which gives semen its odd, metallic taste.

Therefore, eating certain foods that change the composition, ie taste, is fundamentally untrue. However there are things that CAN impact the taste of urine. Smoking and certain foods can alter the pH of urine. So possibly altering, minimally, the taste of semen MAY be due to the small amount of urine that is usually discharged along with the ejaculate during orgasm.

Now, INTERNET discussions agree. Fruit juices are often recommended to sweeten semen, notably, apple and pineapple. Meanwhile, foods reported to foul the taste include meats, dairy, deep fried foods, coffee, alcohol, and asparagus (which makes sense because of its well-known ability to alter the aroma of urine), plus one nonfood item, cigarettes. Keep in mind there is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THIS.

If you will notice, it seems that leading a healthy lifestyle, ANECDOTALLY, will change the way semen tastes. So why not give a healthy lifestyle a try.

As for women who fear swallowing, which I might add is probably one those most AWESOME ways to finish a session, semen is 96 percent water and there's nothing harmful in it. It's also non-fattening, around 20 calories per ejaculate.

To make swallowing easier, women might use lifesavers or keep a strong-flavored drink and a straw handy: wine, liqueur, grape juice, chocolate milk, or ice tea. After the man ejaculates, take a sip.

To conclude, there is no evidence supporting anyone's ability to change the taste of their semen. However, why not try to prove the establishment wrong by living a healthy lifestyle by eating more fruit and quitting smoking. Ladies, do us fellas a favor and slip a mint in the ol' gob and slam that cum down the hatch for an awesome finish! It will keep us coming back for more Originally Posted by Lunytunz
SO True!