After seeing the no-no infomercial before the Saturday Evening News last night, I must say I'm much better informed. Immediately following "perfect for bikini lines" (and we would assume more private areas are implied, the announcer says "and even husbands will like the No-No. . . "
There was no elaboration for the obvious reasons of some daytime airing of infomercials, but it wasn't clear to me whether -
1) husbands will like it because of the bare areas created on the significant other; or
2) husbands will like it because it painlessly removes hair and he might have a chance of getting his balls licked, or better yet, the blow job that has illuded him since wedding cake was served.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Sadie, I'll volunteer for the male use of the No-No if you'd do the honor. Just leave the tweezers at home. Yeah, I'll admit I'm a really pussy when it comes to pain. The Tylenol bottle is empty and they only vinted 67,000 cases of that new pinot grigio - not near enough!