Fourteen days and counting til......

Elgato69's Avatar
The Rio Grande Valley G.L.M.I.

Folks its rapidly approaching. Before you know it February 24 will be here and you will be left out if you have not contacted me yet. For those of you that went to the last gathering and for those that have contacted me and have gotten vouched, you will be receiving an email from me shortly.

It appears that there will be a good crowd with several gents and ladies making the trip more ways than one!!: mf_dribble:

So everyone get ready for a great party. Looking forward in seeing everyone in the RGV.

dcarr's Avatar
  • dcarr
  • 02-10-2011, 04:26 PM
I will be watching my email
me too, Cant wait to meet all the new people!! Its going to be a blast!
Elgato69's Avatar
Its going to be fun.
Anticipating the date and looking to meet all the beautiful ladies.
christos62's Avatar

Hope the venue has sufficient parking and is far away from any nosy neighbors. I'm sure none of us would like to receive a friendly visit from local LEO's regarding any type of rowdiness or violations of noise ordinances.

That being said, "WHERE ARE THE PARTY PEOPLE"?
jkc7594's Avatar
wow, times go fast......
Rugburn's Avatar
with all the buzz about next weeks social, it should be twice the size as last months. My ATM card will be loaded and ready!!
stereo's Avatar
I'm getting interested.
hmmm im almost positve i posted in this thread earlier
i would like to get vouched for the march social
rgvlife999's Avatar
All I have to say are 2 words... TAX REFUND...
Elgato69's Avatar
Ms PrittiKitti, you are on the list. Looking forward in meeting you.
I'm interested. Not positive I'll be able to attend, but would still like to get vouched to have the option
Would love to attend when and were what time. Hazel can vouch for me. Email tu853@yahoo .com Thanks
stereo's Avatar
I'd like to be vouched for but probably won't attend either. I just wanna be one of the cool guys.