Beautiful day!!!!

I just wanted to say hello to everybody and hope your holiday season is going as planned looking forward to seeing some of you soon)) btw my b day is New Years! Feel free to leave a message I love hearing from everyone btw what’s everyone’s plans for New Years I will most likely be in my house preparing for next semester Jan 21 or watching foreign films and now recently gaming! It’s really a great reducer hugs and kisses everyone!!!!
Xbox or ps4?

This is a great day in the 50s and all the snow is melting!!
Bet Poisoned Flower could make all the snow melt!
Awe ty baby!!!! We could make it melt together ����
PS4 always!!! Thinking about checking out tomb raider
Jon Colden's Avatar
All the Tomb Raider games are good. "Shadow of the Tomb Raider" is EXCELLENT.
Uncharted all games feel almost realist. I have personally excited playing uncharted theifs end, the action sequences and treasure findings to close to a cinema. I have collection of them.
Jon Colden's Avatar
I was playing the most recent "Uncharted" the other day. Drake was climbing a stone cliff, about to enter a fire fight, the wind blew, all the surrounding vegetation moved in unison with the breeze, and it looked so realistic that I came in my jeans. Right there, on the spot (so to speak). Ruined a perfectly good pair of BVDs.
But I didn't mind. I just said, "I'm sorry," and kept playing.
I am gonna try tomb raider today hopefully wish me luck!!!
Jon Colden's Avatar
I am gonna try tomb raider today hopefully wish me luck!!! Originally Posted by poisoned flower
Good Luck! You'll love it. I hope you don't have happen to you what happened to me with "Uncharted," at least not unless you WANT to!

Jon Colden's Avatar
I am gonna try tomb raider today hopefully wish me luck!!! Originally Posted by poisoned flower
So, what do you think of "Tomb Raider?"
It’s awesome actually but having issues with that stupid bear ugh
Jon Colden's Avatar
Use poisoned cloud arrows? Try running back to where the scene starts hang there and rain fire down on it? Or running around the tree, shooting arrows back at him? I think you can also get up in the tree, but I'm not positive about that. One thing for sure, you can't miss; it's too costly.