I got the shots and I generally wear a mask around others.
However, The official word on mask wearing has changed back and forth from no they don't work to yes they do but save them for the front-line workers, to wear two masks and on and on.
There is (I am told) data that shows that masks don't work and some that does.
Yet for around a hundred years, surgeons in the OR have worn what today is considered the worst kind of single layer cloth masks. Why did they do that? What do they wear today?
Setting the conflicting data sets aside for a moment for a "common sense" analysis: If air can pass through the mask to let me breath, how does it stop virus sized particles? Do you know how small a virus is? Researchers can't even see a virus with the highest power optical microscope.
I am willing to do the right thing, whatever that might be . . .but I just can't figure out what the truth is.
What the heck IS the truth on the efficacy of wearing a mask?
Originally Posted by ICU 812
If masks work so damn well, why if I'm wearing a mask should I give a shit whether you do or not since my mask will protect me against you?
Same with a vaccine. I've had 3 freakin shots and wear a mask when in close proximity to others ( my choice ) so I have double protection and yet I should worry about somebody who is un-vaccinnated, which I'll remind everybody, doesn't mean you have Covid because you choose to be un-vaccinated?
The "science" now tells us that even though vaccinated, you can get and give Covid and there is no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of persons wearing masks, are not wearing the most effective type mask.
Why are people still allowed to wear cloth masks if the "science" says they aren't very good at protecting you? Why not mandate that we all wear "effective" masks.
This all sounds like a running joke on SNL.