Save the world

lilylivered's Avatar
For years I have seen that city people want to destroy the way people in the country live. You know, take away guns, stop hunting, restrict fire, which man always had since the cave men.

This idea would really help stop all that evil carbon from getting in the air and its quite fair actually.

I own thousands of trees and pay good taxes on them. I propose an oxygen tax. People in the cities with no trees would have to pay the country rednecks a hefty tax to get their oxygen.
With this added revenue I would be able to buy a new electric car every year. Have electric heat and you city people would be paying your fair share to those that give you all that nice oxygen...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ahhhh they want to clear cut your trees for windmills Sir

lilylivered's Avatar
ahhhh they want to clear cut your trees for windmills Sir

btw: Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
No actually solar panels.....
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not a tax, a fee.
Issue a breathing apparatus with a credit card reader on it.