Imagine if these guys fought back in self defense

Priest Beast's Avatar

Its not shocking at all. Targeting random white people by vicious thugs has been the norm for a while. Whats shocking is the media is actually covering this, and posting mugshots. Previously, thats been a no-no.

Imagine if either of these dudes fought back and killed in self defense;
"Another Zimmerman? Racist white man kills group of sweet innocent young black boys minding their own business. Innocent little boys who never had a chance to live their lives." Eric Holder gets involved. Obama makes a speech.

The media will forget about these cases in a week.

Its just gonna worse. Arm yourselves; and if youre attacked, you better hope someone videotapes it. If you survive, youre gonna need a good attorney.
Budman's Avatar
I'd rather need a good attorney than an undertaker.
pyramider's Avatar
They purposely choose the elderly and weak ... what fun would it be to attack someone that can beat your ass?

The bored OK teens just thinck they will get off due to their age. My guess is all three turds are going to be tried as adults.
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
"He didn't drive a big fancy car. He didn't didn't dress in expensive clothes. He didn't have a lot of money," she said. "What did they think they were going to get from this man?"

I always wonder what makes people do these things. Their backgrounds, their parents....and then you have those who do it just because they can. SMH.
Priest Beast's Avatar
Priest Beast's Avatar
Thats the new America.

You have 2 options:

Die, and the media will forget all about you in a couple days.

Fight back against your attacker, be branded a racist, face prison time, the media(and brainwashed public) will never forgive you.