What else is Obama capable of?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
$400 million for ransom in CASH doing an end run around our laws, IRS spying on Americans finances, records kept on gun owners in violation of federal law, film makers imprisoned to sell a lie, Americans allowed to die in order to keep something secret, and now we hear that the State Department and White House allowed an Iranian nuclear scientist to "go back" to Iran for execution. We have the emails from Hillary to Tom Sullivan being more concerned about the optics than the event and the life of the man.

You have to ask, if Iran demanded $400 million in cash and we gave it to them, what if they demanded the return of a dissadent or turncoat? Anyone doubt that Obama would give them up? Following that logic, what if Iran demanded an American citizen to seal a major deal that makes Obama look good. No word on that missing FBI agent and he wasn't even part of the ransom or the nuclear deal. Why? What if a group demanded to know the whereabouts of a military unit in harms way? Would Obama send someone like Joe Biden out to talk about who that particular unit was (SEAL Team Six) and then have the State Department talk about their movements in real time on an unsecure server. If something like that happened then Americans could be ambushed in the middle of nowhere and killed en mass.

31 Navy SEALS killed by ambush
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I posted some dot connecting about Hillary, the State Department, and the nuclear scientist and an hour later this story appears in the Washington Examiner. Ah, sweet vindication.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is no limit, morally or financially, to the depths of their corruption.
You should post this link in the Hillary Email/Comey thread. I don't know how she spoke of him but the nuclear scientist was posting stuff on youtube. The Iranians probably threatened his family.

He didn't think his decision through very thoroughly, like Hillary.
We all know the 0zombies and his minions got Seal Team 6 killed!

Sad Day!
  • DSK
  • 08-07-2016, 12:52 PM
Actually, I don't think he was explicitly paying ransom, but the timing was bad.

However, everything else rings true.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually, I don't think he was explicitly paying ransom, but the timing was bad.

However, everything else rings true. Originally Posted by DSK
Iran and the hostages say they weren't released until Odumbo made a ransom payment:

Commander of Iran's Basij (volunteer) Force Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi said the US agreed to release $1.7 of Iran's frozen funds in a bid to buy freedom of its spies held by Tehran.

The US agreed to repay Iran a $400 million debt and $1.3 billion in interest dating to the Islamic revolution….

"This money was returned for the freedom of the US spy and it was not related to the (nuclear) negotiations," Naqdi added.
