Theres a jerk out there who goes by the name of Gatsby. He's here on eccie and also OH2. He claims to be a professional photographer. He's also known as the Tie Guy because he gets women to wear one of his neck ties for the photos. He invited me to his place in the colony over the weekend for a 3-hour outcall and tried to pay me with $900 of counterfeit money. When I confronted him about it he got extremely aggressive. Please be aware of this douchebag!!!
Smerc's Avatar
  • Smerc
  • 06-20-2024, 04:18 PM
Gatsby.Hobbyist? Ruh roh.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Gatsby is a wanna be pimp. His reviews with tie pics are either heavily embellished or he goes way over his time he paid for.

Hopefully, you put this alert is the provider only section here and especially OH2 where he is at looking for victims as well.
Ultimate Jessica's Avatar
I would definitely suggest you put this in the provider section on all sites for the ladies to be aware of. P411 should also be notified so that they too can take the steps they take when it comes to unsafe hobbiest, and providers.
Thank you for letting us know!
yourdesire's Avatar
Thank you
Thank you for the warning, this is what make she community so great.

Just a question to understand: do we have an ip address for this hobbiests? If not what is to prevent him from having multiple handles? For all we know he could already be on P411 under a different handle...