An end to an era

Shine Da Great has decided that this shall be his last thread started on eccie. Because of incessant trolling by a few characters literally all of my thought provoking threads have gone up in smoke, so I've decided why bother. You guys might soon lose Sistos insight as well because I'm sure he's probably tired of the pettiness as well. Let the boredom ensue. Farewell. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
We tried to Spice this place up with that Louisiana creole seasoning... you know give it some swag...some fire... Looks like it will go back to old shanty town with the hay balls blowing in the wind without us.

They will see though. They will try to keep the relevance of COED alive but it won't work. One thing I've learned in life Shine is that when you hang around people that think like you and agree with you all the time life isnt worth living. We did our best to enlighten them with all kinds of flavors and flows. The oil well will dry up in no time.

Champagne Brown's Avatar
Shine, don't take it too serious..

With the both of y'all put together, I be over here laughing my butt off..

Sometimes I take it as locker room talk, and just talking shyt back forth. I think Sistine does, but not sure .

I know on my end it's just that, when I go back in forth (example) Boardman..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Shine, don't take it too serious..

With the both of y'all put together, I be over here laughing my butt off.. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
God Bless you..we need more people like you.
And God bless sc and shine. Sorry to see you both leave
In God's speed !
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I chocked I laughed for a good 2min..

See, everyone adds to something, and that whats makes it more funny..

Loosen up shine..
boardman's Avatar
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Stay Shine...we need your brilliance to keep Shining. I remember when I didnt care for you because you was stealing my attention...and the use of certain phrases offended my sensibilities but you've proven your valor soldier.

By the way I gave this thread 5 stars ;-)
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Stay Shine...we need your brilliance to keep Shining. I remember when I didnt care for you because you was stealing my attention...and the use of certain phrases offended my sensibilities but you've proven your valor soldier.

By the way I gave this thread 5 stars ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

You know your haters gonna take them star's, but hey it's alright.. At the end of the day, brotherhood was established today, and I luv it!
I chocked I laughed for a good 2min..

See, everyone adds to something, and that whats makes it more funny..

Loosen up shine.. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Thanks for da foooking good will champo. Shine has many more fans, mostly ladays, but they implore me to remain anonymous. I understand. Women get money from boring old men that they secretly can't stand then hang out with cats like Shine Da Great for drinks because we are always da life of da party. I've received ten points in a foooking day all for bullshit reasons, so when the mods are drinking da koolaid what can I do. I simply give up at that point. It's not worth the aggravation. I have a reasonably good life. I have a great inner circle. I've watched my G Mods have to break because clowns flood her inbox with complaints about me and we all know who those 5 are. Tresbo seems like a good chick and I don't want to cause her unnecessary stress. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez. I never punch da bitch button, I mean rtm button. won't be me that takes any stars from anyone.
I've decided to be done with the both of them. I will just wait for them to start back up with the same bullshit that got this board the way it is now. Then and only then will the mods hopefully do what's right.
The games they like to play here has certainly changed this forum and not for the better.
This whole fiasco with these two or one is a farce.
I will just set back and watch them continue to play. They are no longer worth the time.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Thanks for da foooking good will champo. Shine has many more fans, mostly ladays, but they implore me to remain anonymous. I understand. Women get money from boring old men that they secretly can't stand then hang out with cats like Shine Da Great for drinks because we are always da life of da party. I've received ten points in a foooking day all for bullshit reasons, so when the mods are drinking da koolaid what can I do. I simply give up at that point. It's not worth the aggravation. I have a reasonably good life. I have a great inner circle. I've watched my G Mods have to break because clowns flood her inbox with complaints about me and we all know who those 5 are. Tresbo seems like a good chick and I don't want to cause her unnecessary stress. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez. I never punch da bitch button, I mean rtm button. Originally Posted by shinepro

Oh, now I see..

They're trying to rtm you out, and reason for this thread.

Thanks for da foooking good will champo. Shine has many more fans, mostly ladays, but they implore me to remain anonymous. I understand. Women get money from boring old men that they secretly can't stand then hang out with cats like Shine Da Great for drinks because we are always da life of da party. I've received ten points in a foooking day all for bullshit reasons, so when the mods are drinking da koolaid what can I do. I simply give up at that point. It's not worth the aggravation. I have a reasonably good life. I have a great inner circle. I've watched my G Mods have to break because clowns flood her inbox with complaints about me and we all know who those 5 are. Tresbo seems like a good chick and I don't want to cause her unnecessary stress. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez. I never punch da bitch button, I mean rtm button. Originally Posted by shinepro
This shit right here is why you need to be stopped. You don't know how to engage in intelligent conversation with out mentioning others, defecting your own trolling B.s... I will hit the RTM button on you daily...because guys like you give this board a bad wrap! I see newbies who are like wow.. they cant believe the crap that goes on here. I see old school guys who been members here since 2010 who say, Im getting accounts other places can you help me get verified because it's gone to shit over here... trolls.. yeah will always be here but hijacking co-ed, sandbox ect..Like CK says "CIRCLE JERKING" NO more of this crap. I hope that you lose your posting privileges. If anything you will be the reason that they finally crack down on this B.S.
When ladies abuse posting, they get banned. You have abused the co-ed for long enough!
What was it 2-maybe 3 weeks ago..when you did your great "ShineePooPoo is back thread?".. in this short time you have trashed the board, harassed providers, made racist remarks, spammed and many other things..
INCLUDING INSULTING THE MOD'S! btw If you ever want to have drinks, my number is in my signature…(oh wait, I don't hang out on Ost..never mind) then we will see who hits the bitch button! S&M is one of my fav menu features! Clearly you didn't hear WD when he warned you that I carry a turkey baster!

I hope St.Chris really takes a look at Houston Co-ed ! This crap isn't happening in the other city's!