Trump denies flushing documents down White House toilet

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you kidding?

Trump denied it.

OF COURSE he flushed documents down the toilet.

He also shredded boxes and boxes of documents.

And what's one more LIE to him?

It's poetic justice that the guy who wiped his ass on the constitution, fucked the flag and jerked off with a Bible should get caught with his head in the crapper.


Trump denies flushing documents down White House toilet

The former president has long shown a disregard for the preservation of records.


Former President Donald Trump on Thursday denied a new report that he may have flushed official documents down a White House toilet while in office, rejecting the latest accusation of mishandling of presidential records.

According to a forthcoming book by New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, staff in the White House residence periodically found that pieces of paper had clogged a toilet, leading them to believe Trump attempted to flush documents he had ripped. The details from Haberman’s book were first reported by Axios.

In a statement, Trump referred to the allegations as “another fake story,” calling them “categorically untrue and simply made up by a reporter in order to get publicity for a mostly fictitious book.”

Trump has long shown a disregard for the preservation of presidential records. In 2018, POLITICO reported on his habit of tearing up papers after he was done with them, as well as the efforts of government officials tasked with taping together the remains of the documents.

But Trump’s treatment of records from his presidency has come under greater scrutiny in recent days. The National Archives and Records Administration confirmed on Monday that it retrieved 15 boxes of documents and other items from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate last month that belong to federal record-keepers.

On Wednesday, The Washington Post reported that the National Archives asked the Justice Department to examine Trump’s handling of presidential records, suspecting he had possibly violated laws concerning the management of government documents.

In his statement on Thursday, Trump disputed negative descriptions of the National Archives’ records seizure last month, saying the federal agency “openly and willingly arranged with President Trump for the transport of boxes that contained letters, records, newspapers, magazines, and various articles.”

The records “were given easily and without conflict and on a very friendly basis, which is different from the accounts being drawn up by the Fake News Media,” Trump said. “In fact, it was viewed as routine and ‘no big deal.’”

But Trump also insisted without evidence that he may have a legal claim to the documents, adding: “In actuality, I have been told I was under no obligation to give this material based on various legal rulings that have been made over the years.”
winn dixie's Avatar
Folks will say anything to sell a book
... What's this? ... The 6th or 7th thread about this?
Desperation surely setting in...

... As I mentioned - Trump gave them back.
He just wanted to make copies of the important things.
In case the FBI makes the documents DISAPPEAR.

Like Hillary's "missing" e-mails.

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Trump cleaned them with the bidet first.
... Well, they WERE really dirty.

### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
Trump cleaned them with the bidet first. Originally Posted by bambino
Think he knows how to use one of those, ?
Asking for a friend

Just in....Obviously not.
You shit in the shitter. Bidet for clean up.
Figures he'd shit in that one too.
matchingmole's Avatar
maybe the documents flushed him...............
winn dixie's Avatar
Ha ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

MM been waiting for a thread like this for years

Even gaves him a like
adav8s28's Avatar
Trump took Top Secret documents that were marked Classified to the Mar-A-logo. This is worse than Hilary's emails that were not marked Classified.

Lock Trump up!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump took Top Secret documents that were marked Classified to the Mar-A-logo. This is worse than Hilary's emails that were not marked Classified.

Lock Trump up! Originally Posted by adav8s28

you didn't read your own article did you?

Investigators found 110 emails that contained classified information at the time they were sent or received in the group of 30,000 that Clinton later turned over for review, including eight email chains that contained information that was “top secret” at the time they were sent. But the Justice Department ultimately decided not to charge Clinton, after the FBI determined it could not prove she intended to mishandle sensitive material.
Trump's presidential library has been cancelled, no documents to store so it isn't needed.
adav8s28's Avatar
you didn't read your own article did you?

Investigators found 110 emails that contained classified information at the time they were sent or received in the group of 30,000 that Clinton later turned over for review, including eight email chains that contained information that was “top secret” at the time they were sent. But the Justice Department ultimately decided not to charge Clinton, after the FBI determined it could not prove she intended to mishandle sensitive material. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I read my own article. You misread my post. I wrote Clinton's emails were NOT MARKED CLASSIFIED. This is a true statement, they were not. This is different than containing classified information. I did not dispute that. Trumps documents at the Mar-A-largo were clearly MARKED CLASSIFIED (with Bolded font). The Donald has messed up Waco. Nice try again, better luck next time.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I read my own article. You misread my post. I wrote Clinton's emails were NOT MARKED CLASSIFIED. This is a true statement, they were not. This is different than containing classified information. I did not dispute that. Trumps documents at the Mar-A-largo were clearly MARKED CLASSIFIED (with Bolded font). The Donald has messed up Waco. Nice try again, better luck next time. Originally Posted by adav8s28

they were marked classified. your own article said they were. you aren't arguing with me, you are arguing with yourself.

In fact, the overlooked bombshell of the report is the inspector general’s confirmation that classified information contained in Clinton’s emails was in fact compromised by foreign intelligence services, and that Clinton had recklessly emailed President Barack Obama using her unsecured personal email from the territory of a hostile foreign adversary.

Before the report was released, we knew from Comey’s July 2016 statement that Clinton’s private emails included “seven e-mail chains (which) concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received.” We also knew that the FBI “also found information that was properly classified as Secret by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the time it was discussed on email.” Comey further declared, “We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial email accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account.” And he speculated that, given how “extremely careless” Clinton had been, it was “possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal email account.”
LexusLover's Avatar aren't arguing with me, you are arguing with yourself. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Folks engaging in such activity typically lose a lot of arguments.

In both categories: with others and themselves.
LexusLover's Avatar
As for the OP someone is not informed as to the "secure" plumbing at WH.

It's not the same as the stalls at Nau's Enfield Drug Store just outside of Clarksville, Texas, in Austin on West Lynn Street.