Update from DomCon LA


I wanted to share a very fun photoshoot with everyone that was done in LA this past week at DomCon. I'll post more when I figure out how to manage all the attachment functions on ECCIE : (

The boys from Jackass happened to be at the beach that day and with all the Ladies in their latex we caused quite the stir HAHAHA
Very nice and totally sexy. One question though: does the latex get sweaty?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The guy that I totally wrapped up in Saran Wrap last week got REALLY sweaty in the few hours that he was totally bound up.

Wait. Is that what you were asking? Sortof?

Hot pictures! Makes me sweaty just looking at them!!!

Thanks for sharing,
I actually went swimming in it shortly after the shoot so I really couldn't tell you if it did that day or not LOL.

The weather was BEAUTIFUL!! This was early morning so it was still in the 70's
Ms. Athena's Avatar
HOT HOT HOT!!!!!! Love the outfits and the HOT Dommes as well........