TCB expectations

I just experienced a disappointing appointment. I scheduled a date for last Tue and due to monthly problems it was rescheduled for today. This morning after sending an email to her last night I was informed we would have to rush the date. She had RL things that needed to be attended to. I canceled because I had expected to take her out to dinner after the session. This was all spelled out in the initial request.
I can understand things coming up and have no problem with it. My concern is that in the two weeks that we knew of the session I not once heard a peep from her. I have had problems like this before but the lady and I kept in touch during the time before the date.
Am I wrong in expecting the provider to keep in contact leading up to the date? Many of the providers send a message previous to the appointment if only to say "waiting to see you".
I do believe that keeping in touch is part of the GFE but the lady might have been trying to respect your privacy and not overstep boundaries. I sometimes hesitate to contact my gentlemen friends unless they specifically tell me to contact them anytime and mean it.
When I made the date on P-411 I gave her my phone number and it says on my bio to call any time. We have had sessions before and she knows I am by my self. An email is private and I would expect a note how ever short just to say hi. Any how I am not mad just disappointed that the date didn't come off. The date was for two hours and dinner starting at 3PM. She advised me this morning she had to be some place at 5PM. That meant no dinner and the two hour session would be an hour and a half. I will probably set up a date with her later because the last time we were together was fantastic.
I just think her way of handling business needs some changes.
TallDallasGuy's Avatar
Well, time management skills aren't at the top of the list of some of these ladies.

Some feel that their time is just more valuable than yours. Not anyone on ECCIE, of course.
How many of you guys send a short text to the lady after spending a thrilling hour or two with her? How many of the ladies do the same. That is all taking care of business. I have never failed to send a short text on the way home and followed in most cases a thank you later via email. I find I am more interested in returning to the ladies that keep in touch. I am at an advantage in I don't have a SO that might object so I have posted on my P-411 my phone number and that they can call any time.