Multiple Handles / Why does no one care outside of a few?

Whispers's Avatar
There is a non stop fuss made over handles that are attributed to either Rocker Rick, Still Looking or myself. Rocker Rick is rather proud of his ability to maintain a presence and over the years has become a bit of a Rebel and there is no shortage of people that do NOT dislike him.

But multiple handles have been around since the beginning of ASPD and used for purposes that end up perverting the information available on guys as well as gals.

Ladies create and maintain male accounts in order to read ROS and the Locker Room. More than one has been banned and returned and no one really cares. They review themselves and their friends at times which results in false information being presented to the boards and no one seems to care.

Agency Owners create and maintain multiple accounts to review their girls over and over as well as to bump those reviews. Many first time reviews are done by these owners and basically guys end up seeing un-reviewed girls thinking there is no problem only to encounter one. No one seems to care

When someone has a negative experience with a lady and tries to report it often these ladies and Agency Owners log into the extra accounts they own to do damage control.....

No one seems to care

Marco has a history for it. As does The Austin Escorts owner. Both actively post here under a variety of accounts in some of our opinions.

So it seems that for a few of you all you care about is how it affects CoEd.....

You are all OK with phony reviews, bumped reviews and people that do not have access to the private areas accessing it without paying for it or earning it but if a handle you do not know presents an opinion that differs from yours in CoEd it has to be Still Looking, Rocker Rick or Whispers?.....


It also goes to show how little you really care about "community" and the safety of all.
Still Looking's Avatar
It's also funny how there are those that bash the Site, Austin Forum, The mods and Other Board Members yet they can't seem to just leave! If you need to secure a different handle(s) and you're not laughing your ass off, its time to step away.
Whispers's Avatar
Anyone new on the scene tends to be suspect. How they start and the threads that interest them can get them immediately branded. Others come along after posting a while....

Who Is Billy Shakes? Or more appropriately who was he before?

as long as he is on the side of those that want to target Still Looking, Whispers or Rocker Rick no one really cares.

It often takes time to determine an appropriate past to assign to a handle that is new. People eventually tend to show their colors.

I don't know for sure that Billy Shakes is not simply a newbie. I have no proof of such. I would hope he is and has no agenda.


He has been called out by another member as being the same person that posted as Sir Hardin Thicke before being banned.

But Billy Shakes was created BEFORE the banning of Sir Hardin Thicke who was a long time member.

Who would want multiple handles? If they are here to cause trouble it would show pretty quick in their posts..... If they are here though to improperly influence marketing it can go unnoticed.

I can understand Sir Hardin Thicke being pointed at as being the same as Billly Shakes.

Read reviews posted by Billy side by side with reviews Sir Hardin Thicke wrote of the same person. Read Billy Shakes reviews side by side with Sir Hardin Thicke's where they review the same person..... Some words get spun here and there but a lot of identical phrases come through..... There are a lot of similarities.

So Sir Billy "could" be the same or maybe even was lazy in writing a review and copied others......MORE than just similair. A lot of phrasing is identical....

The Sir Hardin Thicke and Illuminati handles were banned while carrying on a crusade to out a member.....

Who is/was Illuminati?

I don't know.....

I've heard a time or two that Illuminati and Sir Hardin Thicke were actually Marco behind the scenes.......

Would that make Marco the guy behind the Billy Shakes persona?

Would /Should anyone care?

Billy has presented differently than others.... often posing questions that the answers are known to contain flames and/or disparaging remarks?

Innocent Newbie or?

Someone called him out for a reason.....

What's your opinion Dante? Toyz? "Bandles" is term you two crafted and promote use of.....It's a favorite subject of yours and you jump to conclusions with far less information ....

Does Billy Shakes = Sir Hardin Thicke = Marco?
Still Looking's Avatar
Writing style, punctuation, use of certain words like your and you're, opinions about other board members and a variety of subjects and issues makes it pretty easy to spot this multi-handle members. Then there is Dante0322 who tried to change his identity (Mike Vronsucky) but was not bright enough to guest his account because he wanted to keep those few reviews he worked so hard to get. Then bangs on the TRM button every time someone refers to his old handle. Absolutely brilliant!
Skip_8's Avatar
I hate it when people have multiple handles.

We should have a vetting process or a verified type of account that says, this account has been verified by a mod or other members.
Billy Shakes's Avatar
The answer to all your questions is no. You and your cohort want to take control of Coed, and do not like it when there is a challenge from the provider being attacked or another member. Have at it, my friend. Coed is all yours for the taking. Run your smear campaign against me and point fingers to me being someone else. I really don't care. It's a fuck board and nothing more.
Whispers's Avatar
Actually Sir.... err... Billy...... I very much like it when any member, especially a provider responds....... It allows for further discourse to occur....

I am not sure how I would feel were I to post and no one respond....
RandB fan's Avatar
The answer to all your questions is no. You and your cohort want to take control of Coed, and do not like it when there is a challenge from the provider being attacked or another member. Have at it, my friend. Coed is all yours for the taking. Run your smear campaign against me and point fingers to me being someone else. I really don't care. It's a fuck board and nothing more. Originally Posted by Billy Shakes

Own it or we will know you are either Rusty Godowsky Or JadeRose. LMFAO like she could figure out a second bandle!
Billy Shakes's Avatar
Own it or we will know you are either Rusty Godowsky Or JadeRose. LMFAO like she could figure out a second bandle! Originally Posted by RandB fan
I am Rusty. "Squeeeeel."
Whispers's Avatar
Own it or we will know you are either Rusty Godowsky Or JadeRose. LMFAO like she could figure out a second bandle! Originally Posted by RandB fan
Look through her reviews and you'll find at least two She Wrote of herself using another handle IMO
Little Monster's Avatar
I'm a Bandle
bistraight69's Avatar
RandB fan's Avatar
Yes you are.... Rusty Godowsky

I am Rusty. "Squeeeeel." Originally Posted by Billy Shakes

Now, that you have admitted it, maybe you can feel the weight fall off your shoulders (Just like Charlie did) after letting the truth be known.

Since your sharing your inner Bonn11 we will expect that your next review will be of Sue-nami (Eccie's champion of pegging) and just to make it special I'm going give her one of these to use on you. I am not sure how many orifices she could stick it in but I am sure she will find one that will fit. I am perplexed on which model to get the wooden (splinter) model or the Chinese knock off metal (Lead paint?) version. Reviews are mixed on both but I hope neither are defective.
Sue should be able to make you squeal but Just in case I ordered the rough sawn Chinese knock off version since when it comes to one use only stuff Harbor Freight is king.

Sure is nice to know that you have a sense of humor unlike your alter ego.

I am Rusty. "Squeeeeel." Originally Posted by Billy Shakes
budman33's Avatar
Kettle let me introduce you to pot.
budman33's Avatar
But to OP. We don't care because we just dont. Admins can ban based upon posting from same Ip address..its clearly visible to them. On the other hand if someone is either smart and posts from one bandle from one location and another bandle from another so IP addresses dont pop up as same... admins cant tell who it is except by guessing.

And even if a bandle wanted to post from the same location as multiple people, there are many free programs available so you can say your coming from whatever IP address you wish to.

The people that get banned are just not smert. Grats on another thread to drum up drama that falls flat because we all know they exist...we all know admins can only do so much...and its a stupid ass thread.. especially from you.