Newbie advice

Hi, Ive been hanging around for a while but havent enjoyed the company of any providers yet. Ive done some light stuff with dancers in strip clubs before and have fantasies about getting into some OTC fun or even just more intense stuff inside the private rooms. The problem is I'm not really sure how to approach the subject. Are there some kind of unwritten rules on this, or do I just be direct and hope for the best?
Most providers require you to have provider references. If you dont have these (which Im assuming you dont) you will probably need to fork over your work info to ensure you are not a cop. I know this seems invasive, but you only need to do it once. If you give it to a verified provider here on eccie or other sites, then you can be verified as safe (or just not LE). Most providers (myself as one of them) do not even keep this info. We just use it to make sure that we are not taking a risk in seeing you.
Thanks, LL, I didn't know that's how it worked with the providers on here but it's good to know. I was more asking about dancers at strip clubs, and how to ask for some extra fun without coming off like an a-hole. Back 3 or so years ago I had a few good nights over at Crazy Horse in Port Allen, some lfk, some fiv, hj, stuff that's probably a regular tuesday night for some of the guys around here from the way they talk but ive never felt comfortable bringing it up. i guess im shy!
In that case what I would do is read the reviews so you know what stripper can do those acts. Im not really sure the procedure to go about it, but Im sure some of the experienced gentleman can provider some feedback.
DallasRain's Avatar
Most providers require you to have provider references. If you dont have these (which Im assuming you dont) you will probably need to fork over your work info to ensure you are not a cop. I know this seems invasive, but you only need to do it once. If you give it to a verified provider here on eccie or other sites, then you can be verified as safe (or just not LE). Most providers (myself as one of them) do not even keep this info. We just use it to make sure that we are not taking a risk in seeing you. Originally Posted by LovelyLolita

If you are new and willing to share some valid/verifiable other info,you might get lucky

good luck baby!!
Join P411
Brmike1963's Avatar
Forget the clubs, several providers here can put a wonderful private strip show on for you for less than you will spend at a club. In a safer environment with fat better extra services. I would contact a provider and let her screen you and ask her for a strip show. I bet Lolita would rock your world with her body.
Ditto. Usually strippers are interested in relieving you of maximum $$ while providing minimal services (i.e. - ripping you off). Forget the clubs and hook up with some verified providers here on Eccie.
1. Join p411 & get an active Client ID#
2. Be prepared to give your real name, employment info, & phone # to the provider for Newbie Screening.

*Verified Providers always screen. Your personal information is not shared with 3rd parties. I love breaking in new guys! Maybe I'll see u in BR in March Blues Mile

-Lisa Lyonz of Lafayette, LA
I would suggest Paven if this strikes ur fancy. I have heard nothing but great things about her dancing
sex instructor's Avatar
This is a good question, actually I think there IS certain lingo you'll have to use but only with certain girls at certain clubs.
  • Paven
  • 02-08-2013, 01:47 AM
I would suggest Paven if this strikes ur fancy. I have heard nothing but great things about her dancing Originally Posted by Mina Parker
Thanks Mina, I appreciate that.
Most providers require you to have provider references. If you dont have these (which Im assuming you dont) you will probably need to fork over your work info to ensure you are not a cop. I know this seems invasive, but you only need to do it once. If you give it to a verified provider here on eccie or other sites, then you can be verified as safe (or just not LE). Most providers (myself as one of them) do not even keep this info. We just use it to make sure that we are not taking a risk in seeing you. Originally Posted by LovelyLolita
I'm new too. Getting started seems like half the battle.

LL, we'll be in touch.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
There is some great advice here.

LL is right about one thing... strippers want maximum $ and minimum obligation. They are working in a public place, do not have a way to screen and are taking much bigger risks with possible LE. I am not saying they should not go for maximum $. They have to since the house gets a cut.

Some strippers may do "outside" stuff... but most places have rules against that. And, if other girls suspect it, some will tell the manager... one less girl means less competition.

If you really want to dabble on the hobby side of things, do your research ( like you are now) and find a newbie friendly provider. You may have to share some personal info to get your first appointment, but once you have a couple of providers you can use as references, it is so much easier.

P411 is a great tool for someone new and it worth the investment. Research it!

I think you will find that seeing one of the excellent girls here (or me, if you ever come to Jackson MS! LOL) will be a much better experience for the money than being all nervous on how to pick up a stripper... especially a stripper that will do more than strip!



Maroondawg... le'ts talk... PM me.
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