I forgive your lack of reality! And thank you for participating!
Where was YOUR outrage for the riots and looting that happened for months?
These were all super spreader events!
With these 2 examples, how many died and were injured? All over pc cancel culture propaganda and fear mongering! FACT!
Trump in no way stood up and said burn it down! Like the lefties did!
Trump condemned the actions at the Capitol, twice. The lsm was mum! He later stated that he hoped the trespassers would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!
Trump will be gone in a few days and ya'll can pick someone or some thing new to hate.
Originally Posted by winn dixie
Oh winnie. Now let me correct you so your response, if any, will have space for more content of the lacking kind (really wish you'd get off the troll wagon. Look what it got Aoi.) I have no political association.
Now being that the responses you give and those that counter yours seem to be opposite sides of the fence, y'all got to (grudgingly) agree that both sides have similarities on what is experienced on like sides of said fence. Everyone LOVES to bring up the violence bit. Good! It is undoubtly there, regardless what media you watch/reference. And with it, there are definitely a high probability of people attending whose motives are different than the crowd that assembled.
I'm going to say *I* have no problems shooting those that are looting, breaking into private property, causing physical violence to people. I think they should have shot alot of people at the Capitol. But realize what that would look like to those who have their own narrative to push.
In San Antonio, they had the George Floyd rally, we suffered the same fate as other cities around the country. And the one thing that choked my leftist friends was when the police stated the people they didn't have to check on was a group of armed individuals guarding the Alamo Cenotaph. But up until things got out of hand, everything was going beautifully. And according to people that were there, when the time expired on the permit to rally, they stated the people that attend dispersed. But another group of people swooped in and mayhem ensued. Have a customer who is a police officer state that they found piles of bricks and such around downtown that are not suppose to be there. Where these brought in by the people who came to attend the rally for the purspose it was for? Who knows. What is know is that there were people that used the event to cause chaos. And when you start that, I would say it is natural for those who are in a aggitated (sp) state to act on that impulse when someone lights the match.
Now with the DC bit, things were a bit different. Since November, #TeamCheatoe (I know, showing bias but damn, i've been using that tag for awhile) has been on the warpath to not give up the office of president. We know of all the challenges, vote counting, court cases that were demanded by him. And as the symptoms of I-can't-get-my-way-itis became worse, #TeamCheatoe started to rachet up the shrilling for the rally in DC. Say what you will. Deny what you want. But no mistaking the words. He incited the crowd. Than he turned them loose. We saw the results.
As I stated above, you have different people with agendas that are not the narrative to what the rally is about. And thanks to the ever persistant (sp) eyes of cameras, they have got at least on Antifa person. But unlike San Antonio, you do not see the crowd separate and go away. More than likely not since he called them to meet him at the Capitol (not the last of his lies.) *BUT* you do not see them just stand outside. I'm not giving official numbers but there was a shit ton of people who trespassed. And another metric ton of people that went full on destructive. Last count a full 300+ are wanted with the list continually growing.
Now the big difference between what winnie beats his little tin drum on with the violence, looting, destruction (and I agree with him that such should not happen) is that since it was orchestrated from the head of the Executive branch of government (you can try all you want winnie but you can't deny that) and unleashed a mob on the Legislative branch of government,
THAT is a Coup. No other way to cut it. And with a Coup attempt, the actions that are currently taking place are justified. And if it leads to jail time for #TeamCheatoe, so be it. His actions are clear. Be it trump supporters doing it or someone taking advantage of the situation. He started it.
The DC riot also demonstrated another issue that you probably don't want to admit. That is the actions of law enforcement in dealing with a caucasion (sp) crowd. You know if they were a black mob, there would have been a more active response in subduing the crowd. Read that as what minorites have said and is proven with statistics: police will have a higher probability to shoot and exhibit unfair violence.
Rallies for BLM and such are done because of police brutality. What our fair winnie fails to say or understand is that when such rallies happen, if something happens, the police have most always demonstrated they will take off the kid gloves in handling. And this mindset leads to what he cries about. At least minorities have a reason to complain and rally.
There is no reason to commit acts of sedition because a person
*FAIRLY* lost an election.